Watch Your Back Katsu

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Short chapter in sorry okayyyy


I sprinted to my small house on the corner of a street, Akashi close on my tail. I got up to the door and felt around my pockets. Key key key key, GOT IT.

I shakily unlocked the door and Akashi was in my driveway. I managed to enter then only close and lock the screen door so he could still see and hear me.

"Give them back, right now." He stared through the door not even winded while I, on the other hand, was breathing very deeply.

"Never!" I breathed standing up straight sticking my tongue out at him.

"Don't make me break in, I will break in."

"Can't do it without your scissors though!" I shut the other door before Akashi could say another word and ran all around the house locking all windows and doors.

I finished in my room but right as I locked my window Akashi's face appeared in the window. I jumped a little startled at how he just randomly appeared.

"Katsu, do you want to die?" He gave me a smirk through the window. Shivers went down my spine then a spark of confidence followed right after. I smirked waving the scissors in front of his face from behind the glass. He dropped his smirk and glared at me.

I fake gasped and dropped the scissors on the ground.

"Oh no, I would hate for them to get ruined!" I giggled a little.

"Katsu, I swear if you even lay a scratch on my scissors I will-"

I gave him the finger then closed my blinds blocking off his face.

"You did not just flip me off..." He said through the glass.

"Oh Akashi, I just did." I began to laugh. It went silent and I stopped laughing. He hasn't spoken to me in a while. I peeked through the blinds and he was no longer there. "Oh no."

Is he inside? Am I going to die? Wait, how will I leave the house? And school! I definitely went too far by flipping him off. Well this is the end of me.

"Akashi... Where are you?" I yelled looking around not knowing if he was inside or outside. I got no response. Maybe he is gone. I picked up the scissors from the ground which were unharmed by the drop I did earlier. All of a sudden my phone buzzed from my bed.

I grabbed it and unlocked my phone. I had a text from an unknown number. When I read it I instantly knew who it was.

'Watch your back Katsu.'


'How did you get my number?'

'I have my sources...'

'Was it Shina?'


'Then who was it, she is the only one that has my number...'

'Do you really think I would tell you. I am absolute. I know everything Katsu.'

'Oh please, like you know everthing...'

'Do you want me to prove it?'

'How can you prove it.'

'I know your secret.'



'I am absolute.'

'Cut that out, I need to know why you know it. Did that yellow-orange haired kid tell you?'

'Nope, I just knew.'

'Cut the crap bakashi, how do you know?'

'I know the guy.'


Out of all people, Akashi knows that guy. Of course.

'I know what you did to him Katsu, that's probably why you are the only person to have the guts to steal my scissors.'

'You can't tell anyone.'

'You have to give me my scissors back.'


'And you have the courage to disobey me as well... You know what. I won't tell anyone.'

'What made you so nice all of a sudden?'

'Eh I think I have better ways of punishment then telling everyone you forced a guy to... Eh I'm not gonna go that far but what I'm trying to say is I can win this war on my own and I don't need one of your secrets to help me. I can punish you myself.'

'And how do you plan to do that?'

I got no answer.


Still no reply. I set my phone down and turned off my lights then went back to my bed. I just need to rest this off. Nervousness filled my stomach and I felt like I was about to throw up. I closed my eyes but was interrupted by a buzz.

'Watch your back.'

I stole the captain's ScissorsWhere stories live. Discover now