Stalking the Prey

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     "I dare you to steal Akashi's scissors."

     Those words rang though my head. I instantly knew that this wasn't just a dare, but the cause of my death.

    "Do I have t-"

    "No exceptions, you don't do it, then I can tell the whole school your little secret..."

    I shot a look at Shina instantly panicking then back at the one who gave me the dare.

    "YOU TOLD HIM!" I got up and grabbed Shina by the collar and she gasped then smirked. I gave her a threatening look... I knew this was suspicious.

    "Only because I knew it would make you do it..."

    I held up my fist ready to swing but then my arm went limp. I can't hit her on her birthday.

    "I'll do it..." I looked away getting off her slowly and sat back in my spot rolling my eyes.

    "You serious, I didn't actually think she would accept it!" The yellow-orange haired boy chuckled. "Goodluck with that..."

    This mission is easier said then done. Akashi always had his scissors in hand, in his pocket, or near him. I have absolutely no clue how I'm going to get them and if I will make it out alive but I cannot CANNOT let anyone know my secret...

    "I mean he hardly noticed me I might be able to sneak them..."

    "I've been on the team with him for a while now, the emperor notices all. If you pull this of I will literally do anything." The boy chuckled.

    "When do I have to get them by?" I asked. I'm hoping not anytime soon because I need to plan this all out and then memorize all of his classes to know the best time to sneak them then find where he puts the sc-


    "WHAT!" I yelled. This isn't enough time, that's it, I'm screwed. My life is over. It was good while it lasted, I would like to thank my mother for giving birth to me and my middle school which taught me to alway-

    "Katsu, chill. One day is plenty of time..."

    "SAYS YOU, YOU ARENT EVEN DOING THE DARE!" My face flamed red in anger.

    "Have fun~" Shina got up as skipped out of the room and the others passed me either giving me a sympathetic look or a smirk.

    I left the room and headed downstairs filled with anger. I was ready to leave at this point... I have to figure out everything in one night. This is more studying than I do for tests! Wait... Akashi is here. Like in this house. Now is my chance to figure out some evidence!

    I went to the main area where everyone was gathered and looked for the scary redhead. Brown. Black. Brown. Blonde. Green. Brown. Blue. RED! Adrenaline was now pumping in my veins and I felt like a ninja hiding behind corners getting closer and closer to my prey. I looked at the tall, muscular figure who was talking to Shina. Of course.

    I rolled my eyes then focused again. I was in the crowd of people a few feet away from Akashi and Shina. I hid behind a tall girl who kept giving me dirty looks but I ignored her and continued to observe Akashi. Not in his pockets... Not in his hands...

    "Katsu?" I HAVE BEEN SPOTTED. I locked eye contact with Shina and stood up straight brushing off my shirt and turned red-faced. Akashi turned and looked down at me being like a foot taller. His lips formed to a slight smile.

    "Are you stalking me?" He chuckled.

    "NO." I got wide-eyed.

    "Then what were you doing?" He questioned not letting his eyes leave mine.

    "Uh.. I was... Um." I can't speak when he is looking directly at me it is scaring me!

    "I'm waiting..." He gave an impatient sigh.

    "Well if you would stop staring at me with those deadly eyes, maybe it would be easier to answer the question..." I mumbled.

    "Hmmm, what did you say?" He stepped closer.

    I literally just insulted the emperor. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME TODAY.

    "Gotta go, my cookies are out of the oven now hehe!" I quickly turned trying to run but my wrist was grabbed. I turned and Akashi held my wrist in his large hands. My face was probably as red as his hair at this point. I looked back at Shina who was just watching the situation and not even helping but was just laughing at the whole thing!

    "First you insult me, then you lie to me?" He pulled me in closer to him. I was looking at his chest avoiding eye contact when I spotted them.

    The scissors were in his inside shirt pocket! I could make out the shape from the outside. How am I supposed to grab that...

    "And now you are admiring my shirt?" I blinked several times as shook off my deep thinking. I know how I am supposed to get them but I have to escape him right now.

    "Oh look you are holding my hand," I flashed him a cheesy smile and he immediately let go to avoid embarrassment and I quickly ran from the crowd and out the door.

  Well now I just have to make him mad.

I stole the captain's ScissorsWhere stories live. Discover now