Pulling on My Heartstrings

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Sorry I didn't post a new chapter in four days AHHH!!! This is kind of short but the next chapter should be longer. Okay sorry now go read okie bye.

It was finally fall break so I got a rest from all of the school work and drama. I sat on my bed and fiddled with my fingers. What now?

Even though I dreaded school and loved having a break, I felt as if there was nothing to do when it wasn't around. Maybe I could cook something? Nah I would probably burn down the house. Umm draw? I don't have talent what am I thinking!

I shook my head in disappointment. I got up and decided to go to my final resort.

I tapped on Akashi's closed door with my knuckle.


No response.

"Akashiiiii?" I carried out the last syllable knocking again.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.


The door opened automatically.

"Come in," Akashi motioned into his room. I nodded and walked in plopping onto his bed.

"What do you need?" Akashi sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I'm bored," I groaned. Akashi stood up and walked over to his closet. What is he doing? He moved a few things around and grabbed a case. It was shaped like a violin, so I figured that was what was inside. He took it out of the case and sat back down next to me.

"I can teach you to play," he spoke. He plays the violin? What can't Akashi do?

"I didn't know you played!" I scooted closer inspecting the delicate instrument. He pulled it up to his face and stood ready to play and I scooted back a little.

He began to play a song I had never heard before but it sounded beautiful. He closed his eyes when he played as if he was so into the music. I watched closely admiring the way he moved and how he quickly repositioned his fingers to hit perfect notes.

Once he stopped, it was quiet. I didn't want him to stop, I wanted him to play more.

"Do you want to learn?" He asked me. I quickly nodded my head. He smiled a little and got closer to me and set the instrument in my hand and I stood up as he did. "Here, like this."

He positioned the violin in my hand and made my chin rest on the end. He gave me the string thing attached to a stick. What is this called?

"Hold the bow like this..." He positioned my hand. Oh that's what it's called.

He wrapped around behind me and moved my hand which held the bow. The bow slid across the strings creating a sound. I perked up at the sound it made.

"Put your fingers on the strings to create a different note," he repositioned my fingers on my other hand in a random order on the strings. This must be a note...

I slid the bow across the strings slowly and a beautiful noise was produced that sounded different from the one before. This was fun!

"You like that?" He questioned and removed himself from me then stood in front of me.

"Mmmhm!" I nodded. I rested my arms bringing the violin to my side.

"Are you done already, you only played two notes?"

"Yeah, thank you though!" I didn't want to play anymore being afraid of breaking it. Knowing me, I could break anything I touch and I didn't want to risk it.

He reached over to take the violin from my hand and his fingers slid across my hand as he got it. My face reddened.

The thought of him being wrapped around me helping me play earlier ran through my head.

"Are you sick again, your face is red," Akashi felt my forehead with the back of his hand. I stepped back and nervously giggled.

"I'm fine, really!" I smiled. Get a hold of yourself!

"Since we both have nothing to do later, I'm taking you to dinner with me," Akashi put the violin back in its case and set it in his large closet.

"O-okay," I began to walk to the door to leave.

"Meet me downstairs at 6:00 okay?"

"Okay!" I left and shut the door behind me then let out a huge sigh. That was close.

Wait, he is taking me out to dinner? Does he like me or is this just out of sympathy? I rolled my eyes. I need to stop worrying about these things.

I went back to my room to prepare for the dinner with Akashi.

But what if he actually hates me... I hit meteor on the head with the palm of my hand. Shut up!

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