My alarm went off buzzing over and over again. I reached for my phone and set off the alarm. It read 'it's death day, yayyy' I rolled my eyes and got up. I brushed out my messy light pink hair, put on my uniform, and slid on my thigh-high socks. I put on light makeup then grabbed my backpack then took my key from the counter and locked my door. Yes, I live alone because my parents abandoned me... It's not that bad though I kind of like being alone and I have a part time job to earn all of the money and they left some behind.
The school isn't too far so I began to walk. Once I arrived I quickly went to home room. Luckily, Akashi wasn't in this class with me. I ran up to Shina and took a deep breath.
"I have a plan..." I startled her a little but then she smirked.
"Are you going to tell me this brilliant plan of yours?"
"Nope, because I don't know if it will work or if I will end up doing it so you will have to wait! But I do need you to take my backpack and start the car right after last period." I nervously laughed.
I spent the whole day avoiding Akashi but I couldn't help but notice the evil glares he was giving me every single class and I felt like I was being watched all day. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Here we go.
The bell rang and I walked over to Akashi. Beforehand I told Shina to grab my bag and put it in her car because I needed a quick escape without weight and I needed her to start the car.
He stood and looked down at me searching my eyes.
"You never gave me an answer from yesterday." He had a blank expression.
"I'm not answering you." I gulped and tried my hardest to hide my nervousness. I think I was actually doing a good job. His expression turned from blank to anger.
"You dare to disobey me?" He stepped closer with a threatening aura. You can do it Katsu...
"I was told not to run with scissors, but here I go..."
I quickly ripped his buttons undone on his button up shirt and slid his red scissors from his inside pocket which I probably accidentally scraped his chest in the process. I squealed gripping them in my hand and sprinted out the door.
"HEY!" I heard footsteps behind me and I was gasping for breath. I ran down the stairs and to the bottom floor. I looked back and saw he was gaining on me. I opened the entrance doors of the school and spotted Shina's car.
"OPEN THE DOOR!" I yelled loud enough for her to hear. She did as I said and I jumped into the open door with Akashi about 20 feet away. "DRIVE!" I screamed.
Shina pressed on the gas and raced off before Akashi could catch up.
"YOU ACTUALLY DID IT!" She was full of excitement while I was gasping for air shaking.
"I ALMOST DIED I SWEAR!" I yelled. I looked back and saw Akashi watching as we drove farther and farther. He had an evil expression on his face as if he would kill someone and his shirt was still left unbuttoned. I saw some blood on it as well so I believe I did accidentally cut him. Dang these things are sharp. I examined them closely.
"How did you manage to pull it off?!" Shina was still yelling in excitement.
I explained to her how I knew that if he was mad he stood closer to someone to scare him, so I used that as my chance to quickly unbutton his shirt and grab the scissors.
"Lemme see them!" She held her hand out and used the other to drive.
I grabbed the scissors, my new Medal of Honor, and placed them gently in her hand.
"I never thought I would hold Akashi Seijuro's scissors. Ever. This is the best birthday present ever!"
Oh so this is what that was about. She handed the scissors back to me and pulled up in her driveway.
"Don't you ever, EVER, let those out of sight and keep them with you at all times." She got serious as looked directly into my eyes.
"Yes ma'am."
"Wait... Was there blood on the scissors?" Shina snatched the scissors back from my hand observing the sharp part.
"Uh I accidentally cut him while grabbing them..." I spoke nervously and she gave me the most worried look ever. "What?"
"Okay, well I knew you were screwed from the start just by stealing his scissors. But cutting him too... Katsu you are a dead girl and I mean it." She slowly handed them back.
"He can't actually kill me though... Right?" I nervously spoke.
"Right." She reassuringly smiled but I could tell she was lying. I grabbed my bag from her car and closed the door. I began to leave her house and headed towards mine which wasn't far at all.
I did it... I actually stole the captain's scissors! A smile was plastered on my face and I looked down at the red, sharp scissors in my hand. They shined in the sunlight as the sun reflected against the metallic material. Well at least I can die happy...
I turned to see Akashi running towards me, anger filling his eyes.
I'm not dying yet!

I stole the captain's Scissors
Fanfiction"I dare you to steal Akashi's scissors." Those words rang though my head. I instantly knew that this wasn't just a dare, but the cause of my death. "Do I have t-" "No exceptions, you don't do it, then I can tell the whole school your li...