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HEY GUYS IM BACK. Okay well here's a long chapter because I'm a mean author who had an over a month long hiatus sowwyyy! Well I'm back and thank you for all the comments and reads, enjoy learning a little bit about Akashi and Katsu!

  Do I dress fancy? Casual? Ugh!

   I just threw on some white skinny jeans with a pastel blue fuzzy sweater. It wasn't the best looking but it sure was comfy! I felt like doing a little extra and I curled my pink hair.

  I looked at the clock hanging on my wall, 5:54

  Whoo! I wasn't late, I'm starting to get nervous whyyyy?

I pushed aside that thought and left the bathroom to go ahead and head downstairs early. With no surprise, Akashi was standing downstairs by the door already.

  "How long have you been standing there?" I asked him. He seemed not to dressed up or dressed down so I felt better about my appearance.

  "It doesn't matter, let's go." He turned and walked out the door. I followed close behind. There didn't seem to be a car waiting to take us so I guess we were walking today. It is nice and actually not that cold for a winter day. I mean sure I did have to hide my ice cold hands in my sweater but that's an everyday thing for me. I caught up to Akashi and stood next to him as we walked towards the direction of the shops.

  Never going there alone again...

  "Where we going to?" I asked him. He reached out for my hand and held one of my cold hands in his making it warmer. I was about to ask him why he did that but he responded quickly.

  "I thought I saw a few people from school. And there's a small coffee place down there that seems nice," he motioned his other hand pointing down the road to what did look like a nice coffee shop.

   "Oh, okay!" I smiled. I actually found this a really good idea. Who knew Akashi wouldn't chose some place with expensive food and you get like three different fancy forks.

  "Man your hand is cold," Akashi commented. I looked down at our intertwined fingers. My face slightly reddened.

  "Well you didn't have to grab my hand, that's your fault!" I pouted and I was about to pull my hand away from his but he just gripped my hand tighter.


  "I'm not just going to leave your hand to freeze, and are you ever going to call me Seijuro?"

  "Sorry, I can't get used to it heh," I giggled a little. I peered at the corner of my eye and expected him to be mad but I spotted the slightest curl on the corner of his lip. A smile? A smirk? Oh well I think I actually made him happy so I was okay with it.

  We entered the coffee shop and Akashi led me to a table for two. He released my hand when he went to the opposite side of the table as me. I wish he didn't let go... I swear I'm going to kill myself I need to stop.

  "Mad that I let go?" Akashi spoke up and my head looked up at him from my hand.

  "No!" I said that a little louder than I expected.

  He snickered and my face turned pink. I need to stop!

  "Good afternoon, may I take your order?" A polite waiter asked us. I guess I didn't notice him walk up because I was too focused on thinking how stupid I was.

  "Um I will have a mocha frappé," I said smiling. The high school boy scribbled down something on his notepad.

(FUN FACT: that's my favorite drink :3 and no me and Katsu don't have everything alike whatsoever! I'm not basing her after me okie.)

"And I will have a tall iced coffee," Akashi spoke. Not something I would expect from him but oh well.

"Thank you, it will be out soon!" The boy left and Akashi began a conversation.

"I didn't know you liked those..."

"You don't know a lot about me," I slightly laughed.

"Well I would like to, want to play a game?"

"What's the game?"

"I ask you a question, you honestly answer, and then you get to do the same for me," he said. It seemed simple enough so I nodded. He started and spoke, "favorite color?"

"Pastel pink, what is your favorite color?"

"So are you just going to ask me the same question as I ask you?"

"Yeah, so answer it," I giggled. He rolled his eyes.

  "Well if it isn't obvious," he looked up at his red hair and I slightly laughed, "favorite food?"

"Ummm, candy? What's yours?" He just shook his head and smiled at my response.

  "Tofu soup, any hobbies?"

  "Um Internet and eating, but if we are being serious I like singing kinda."

  "You any good at it?"

  "Nope I suck," I giggled, "but it's fun! What about you?"

  "Shogi, Chess, Violin, Piano, and horse riding-"

  "CAN WE RIDE HORSES SOMETIME!" I spoke loudly.

  Akashi let out a chuckle and nodded which caused me to smile.

  "What type of guys are you into?" He leaned in slightly closer putting his elbows in the table and resting his chin on his hands.

  "Um, well I like guys that actually care for me and have a slight sense of humor. They have to be at least decently cute and ,hmmm, smart and slightly protective." I nodded at my response. That wasn't all of my requirements but oh well. "What type of girls are you into?"

  "I like girls who have dignity and are slightly elegant as well..."

My chances just flew out the window.

"But I would make an exception if I truly to like the girl."

  He doesn't like me so yup, just crashed to the ground.

  The waiter brought us out our drinks and we said thank you.

  "What job are you looking into?" He asked me and I continued.

  "Um well I had a part time job but I got fired so I don't really know anymore..."

"So you are almost out of high school and still don't know what you are going to do with your life?"

  "Well I wished that I would have someone to settle with but that didn't work out and I have no idea what I want to do. I have good grades so I can do basically anything but I'm not into any jobs," I answered honestly. "What about you?"

  "I have to be the new leader of my fathers company, but if I had the choice I would want to be a professional shogi player." My first thought was 'what a nerd' and I laughed in my head but brushed it aside.

"Last one for now."

  I began to prepare myself for a bizarre question that involved a lot of thought or personal matters, but he spoke a stupid question.

"Zodiac sign?"

"Pisces," I replied. "And you?"


I guess that question was necessary, I felt relieved that he didn't ask any personal questions, actually. For example, if he asked me about my parents, I probably wouldn't answer.

*abrupt ending because I can if I want and I can't think of a cliffhanger*

WHAT IS YOUR ZODIAC SIGN because I wanna know what my amazing readers zodiacs are, mine is Aries whoop whoop! Thank you for reading my choppy chapter and I will try to write more okie :3

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