YOU GUYS WANTED THIS SO YOU BETTER BE HAPPY OKAY. Why did I agree to do this. I hate myself.
Akashi stood in the school supplies section getting ready for his first year of high school. Mounds of colorful folders and notebooks lay on shelves and racks. Pens and pencils were placed in organized piles and some were hung on walls. Akashi refused the colorful notebooks and writing utensils and, of course, he grabbed all black and red supples, the colors of his soul.
His fingers grazed upon many variations of supplies including pens, rulers, pencils, and more. None of the textures stood out to him. But then suddenly he touched something that made him get a tingly feeling inside.
The feeling was sharp and cold, although it was hidden behind plastic. He could sense it. He automatically felt attraction. It felt the feeling someone would have if they touched his soul. He shook his head getting his mind out of a stupid daydream about he texture and focused his eyes on the object that originally attracted him.
It was a pair of red scissors.
These weren't just any scissors though. They were the last pair on the rack. His eyes widened and he had to step back a little bit to admire it's beauty. The red was shiny and the ray from the cheap light above made the scissors glow even more. The silver and sharp part was what really set him off.
'I wonder how many people I could stab with those' he thought to himself. He rubbed his hands together mischievously.
I hate myself omf why did I do this.
When he regained his composure he took the scissors gently and held them close. The package created a thin barrier that separated him from the beauty resting inside.
These are priceless.
He decided that the scissors literally were priceless and opened the package immediately, and illegally shoved them in his shirt pocket . He grabbed his other supplies, paid, and left.
When he arrived home he removed the scissors and admired them (and maybe did a little extra but let's keep it PG) From then on him and he scissors were inseparable. They were his first love, no one could change that.
Kill me please.

I stole the captain's Scissors
Fanfiction"I dare you to steal Akashi's scissors." Those words rang though my head. I instantly knew that this wasn't just a dare, but the cause of my death. "Do I have t-" "No exceptions, you don't do it, then I can tell the whole school your li...