Not again...

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After we paid for everything, well Akashi paid for everything, we decided to just go back home because I still wasn't feeling too well. I guess it was just from all the stress going on with what went on a while ago.

As we walked towards home I tried rubbing my arms to warm myself up. It was cold enough to where I could see our breath. We were silent until Akashi put an arm around me and pulled me close.

"Did you see someone from school?" I asked looking around but only saw a few couples, probably in their twenties or thirties. My gaze went up to Akashi who was looking at me but quickly looked away.

"You looked cold," Akashi looked away from me. I chuckled a little but at this sudden shyness. I accepted his actions and snuggled up closer to him. It did, in fact, make me slightly warmer.

We continued to walk in silence down the sidewalk is we came closer to Akashi's house. Akashi seemed to get more comfortable and looked forward instead of off to the side and I felt him becoming less tense.

"Hey, Akashi?" I looked up at him and he continued to look forward and just mumbled an 'mmhm'. "What are we going to do when we get back?" I asked.

It was getting dark outside so there was really no reason to stay outside because it was getting colder by the minute. Although it was just fall, it was beginning to get really cold.

"We could play chess," he spoke.

"But that's boring!" I pouted nudging into him.

"Do you have any better ideas?"

"Hmmm, no," I sighed.

We made it back to Akashi's and walked up to the door where we were greeted by some maids while Akashi was still clinging onto me.

"You gonna let go?" I chuckled a little.

Akashi took his arm off almost immediately and scratched his head.

"Come on," he mumbled and led me up the stairs. I followed close behind. We walked into his room and I jumped onto his bed messing up the blankets.

"Katsu..." He spoke in a low voice.

"Mmmhm!" I rolled around on his bed messing it up even more.

"Stop messing up the bed we are playing chess on there," he walked closer and I stopped moving and sat up.

"Or what?" I picked up one of his silk pillows and cuddled it.

"Katsu let go," he started stepping closer to the bed and before he got too close I threw the pillow at him. It hit his face then fell to the floor.

"You're going to regret that!" He started after me but I jumped of the bed before he could get me. I grabbed a pillow on my way off so I could have something for self defense. He seemed to grab one too because we were now on opposite sides of the bed with pillows in our hands.

"Truce?" I giggled shielding my face with the pillow giggling and breathing heavily.

"No I have to get my payback," Akashi ran around to my end and I tried running but I ended up being trapped in a corner.

"Noooo!" I yelled while laughing at the same time and curled up in the corner hiding myself with the pillow.

"Hmmm, what should be your punishment?" I heard Akashi snicker.

"Nothing?" I giggled.

He then grabbed my pillow and threw it to the side then started tickling my stomach. I started to laugh and attempted to push his hands off me but it didn't work.

"Akashi!" I laughed. "Stooop!"

"This is what you get!" I heard him slightly laugh. Akashi laughing? It was a low laugh but I found it kinda cute. He usually doesn't laugh so it was new to me, but I couldn't quite hear it over my screams.

"I'm gonna pee!" I screamed and laughed. He slowly took his hands off me and backed away with a faint chuckle.

"It's getting late, you should go to bed," he spoke.

"I don't wanna!" I sat up still giggling and my hair was probably a mess from squirming around.

"Do you want me to tickle you again?"

"You know what, I'm suddenly feeling tired!" I stood up and Akashi did too. Akashi started fixing up his bed and I left his room and went into mine. I quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top then brushed my teeth. There was no point in fixing my hair because it was going to get messed up overnight anyways.

I turned out the lights then I snuggled up under my covers. I tried shutting my eyes and sleeping but I was no where close to tired. I lay like that for about five minutes but it didn't work. A loud sigh left my mouth and I attempted to try about twenty different positions to get comfy but nothing was working. (Anyone else have these issues?)

I decided to give up and opened my eyes. I'm glad I did open my eyes because right in front of me was a giant spider. I quickly sat up and jumped out of my bed. I'm not sleeping with that!

"Akashiiiiii!" I trailed out his name running into his room.

"Whaaaaat," he groaned and was under his covers. The lights were out and it seemed as if he was trying to sleep or I might have woken him up.

"There's a spider in my bed, can you kill it?" I said quieter and he groaned.

"You kill it."

"But I'm scared."

"It's just a spider."

"One that could kill me!"

Akashi groaned and patted the bed next to him.

"I'm not killing it so just sleep here," he said.

Thoughts of last time I slept with him went through my head. I don't want to end up all over him again.

"No, can you please kill it?" I whined stomping my foot.

Akashi got up and seemed a little mad. He walked up to me and grabbed my arm pulling me to his bed.

"I'm not getting up anymore so please just go to sleep," he let go once I was right next to the bed. He went under the covers on the far left where he was before.

I gave up my efforts and went under the warm blanket. I made sure I was a far distance from him and closed my eyes.

I hope that spider is happy in my bed.

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