Chapter seven

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"Alice why are you late?"

She groans on the other line. "I can't come in today, Maddie." She sounds like she's on the ground in the fetal position.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" I ask concerned.

"Just that I'm an idiot," she says. "Last night I ate some sushi from this cheap food truck, uggh. And now I have food poisoning."

"Oh my God, why the hell would you do that?"

"The guy at the truck was really cute and I needed an excuse to talk to him," she groans and I laugh. "It was a total waste of time too," she whines.

"Well, I hope you've learned your lesson. Rest up," I snicker on the phone before hanging up. Letting out a sigh, I gather up Alice's clipboard to start with the schedule she was supposed to do today, which is mostly needed measurements and confirmation phone calls.

I'm lucky that on the day that Alice gets food poisoning isn't a busy day. Right on time, the Peterson's and the Maid of Honor all come in for their measurements. The Peterson's are already a married couple, but decided on getting married a second time so that their friends and family can actually witness it, unlike the first time.

"Good morning, everyone," I greet the Peterson's and the Maid of Honor.

"It's nice seeing you dear," Jolene says after our hug.

"Right this way," I lead them to the secluded area of the shop where the measurements are taken place so that no unwanted eyes can view.

"If I'm correct, you need some modifications done to your wedding dress?" I ask Jolene.

"Yes dear, the girls aren't held up right in the top," she says referring to her breasts. "And the dress is a bit too long, I'm afraid I'll trip." She informs me.

"Okay, I'll take the body measurements and then bring the dress out from the back to see what we can do." She smiles and they all go to sit on one of the waiting couches in the area.

"Jim, let's start with you," I say. He gets up from his seat and walks over to me.

After taking the required measurements from Jim I jot each of them down. "Your suit should be finished in a week. Once the suit is tailored you'll receive a call to come pick it up."

"Got it," Jim nods.

"Okay, now would you mind maybe waiting in the car? It won't be too long, but I'm going to bring out the dress for Jolene's fitting unless you're okay with him seeing the dress Jolene." I turn to look at her.

"Honey, wait in the car please." She smiles at him.

"Alright, but don't you ladies forget about me in the car," he points his finger as he warns her playful and leaves but not before sharing a quick kiss.

"I'll be right back," I say as I go to retrieve the dress. Once finding the right label I bring it back to Jolene to guide her towards the fitting room.

As she does that I take the time to speak to the Maid of Honor, Tiffany, about our secret video that will be played at the wedding.

"How's the video going? Have you gotten everyone to leave a message yet?"

"Yes!" she beams. "I can't wait for them to see it; it's going to be breathtaking. I can just imagine their reaction once they see it," she smiles proudly.

"That's fantastic, don't forget to have the CD mailed or brought to me, I'll need to move certain things around for this add in," I tell her, wanting to make sure the original plans will go as it should.

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