Chapter two

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I wake up to arms being wrapped onto my waist. Jess. Turning to look at the clock on the nightstand I squint to read what the red numbers say: 2:41 a.m.

"Jess, what the hell?" I snap as I turn in her grasp to eye her. She told me on the phone earlier that she'd be finished with work around 9 p.m.

"I'm sorry," she said before leaning in to kiss me. It wasn't a simple kiss, no she wanted more. As reluctant that I am I can't help but kiss her back, bringing her body even closer to mine as her hands begin to roam my chest. Slowly she climbs onto me and I lose the last bit of annoyance with her.

Madelyn's POV

"What do you mean you can't make it to the wedding!?" I shout to the person on the other line.

"Listen, Josh broke his wrist and we can't make it. I'm sorry, I really am." He tries to explain.

"Give him a damn cast and he'll be fine," I say. It's insensitive and impossible but I'm just so desperate.

"You're one crazy chick," he laughs. "Even if he could play we can't make it, something else came up."

"This is just great! How am I supposed to find some form of entertainment by next week!?" I question rhetorically.

"Sorry," he sighs into the phone. I let out a frustrated groan as I hang up the phone; tired of hearing him apologize.

"Fucking great," I mutter to myself. "Calm down, Madelyn, you can do this." I say to myself, trying to avoid a mental breakdown.

I stand in front of the large body length mirror in the back room as I take deep breaths. "I'm good," I sigh and then immediately walk out from the back to find our old entertainments' contact information from the past that have been a crowd's favorite.

"How did it go?" Lana asks as soon as I emerge from the back.

"Don't," I warn her but all she does is laugh at my distress.

I bring the leather book over by the desk that Lana is behind and I search through ones close in our area.

"So what replacements do you have in mind?" Lana asks.

"I'm thinking that one jazz band from the Jefferson's wedding and those twins that do aerial dance." I say as I begin to dial the band's number.

"Oh, nice, I like. And while the guests eat the twins can perform." Lana adds and I nod, liking her idea.

A little over an hour later, the no band issue has been settled. I now have the jazz band booked as well as the aerial dance twins. Perfect.

Looking at my watch I see that it's almost time for that appointment at 2:30 p.m.

I go over to Lana and Alice who are aiding a frantic bride with her world crisis at the moment.

"The bride's maid dresses don't fit! The wedding is tomorrow and no one can fit into their dress!" she paces the room in her stilettos. "What do I do?" she asks, close to tears.

"Ms. McCall, something may have gone wrong because we had the fitting just last week." Alice, one of the many other employees we have here, tries to explain.

"Then explain why none of them fit!"

Alice looks like she can't take any more of the screaming so this is when I decide to step in.

"Ms. McCall, call up all the bride's maids to come here with the dresses, now." I order as I walk over to my cup of coffee. My third one today.

When Ms. McCall finishes the call she informs me that they all should be here in less than half an hour. With that in mind, I go over my schedule for the upcoming weeks.

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