Chapter thirty-three

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Madelyn's POV

I wake up to Harry's arm curled tightly around my waist, trapping me in his warmth as his soft breathing hits the side of my neck. Waking up like this has become something I would never want to live without now that I know how amazing it feels, not even sure how my mornings would be without his arms around me.

I let my fingers trail up and down the length of his arms, tracing over my favorite tattoos like I've done before, I love this, watching him in this state, so calm and perfect.

I startle for a second at the sound of feet moving around in the kitchen, cabinets closing and then a few minutes later the door shutting close. Jamie must have just left. My thoughts are answered when my phone buzzes from my nightstand with a text from him. I reach across, breaking the grasp Harry has on me, to get the phone and read Jamie's text saying that he's out with Alice to plan my 'big bang party'.

Harry groans in his sleep, pulling me back to his chest.

"Morning, sleepy," I trace my finger on the curve of his lips, loving how they quirk up in a smile.

"What time is it?" he tries to open his eyes.

"Almost noon," I tell him after glancing at the clock on the nightstand.

He jumps awake, cursing under his breath. "Shit, I gotta go."

"Really, now?" I pout.

"Yeah, I have a meeting with one of the companies I'm shooting for, sorry babe," he's out of the bed and pulling on his clothes. "I'll see if I can come by later, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," I try to hide my disappointment. He frowns at my response, coming closer to my side of the bed.

"I'll see you later," he promises instead as he leans into me, placing a swift kiss on my forehead.

"Good luck with your meeting," I quickly get out as he rushes out the room.

When the front door shuts I let out a sigh, convincing myself to get out of the bed to find some breakfast. I settle on a bagel and coffee since it involves less work on my part. While sitting on the couch, I have my laptop open to all the potential customers in my emails that I have yet to get back to, starting on the work that I have to do from home today.

Throughout the time that has passed I have been able to book a venue for a wedding in December, schedule and reschedule appointments with some clients regarding dress fittings and gigs needed. Without any distractions, I'm able to get a lot more work done than I thought I would.

I work for another few hours, stopping in between to shower, for food and a few phone calls with frantic brides and my mother with her excitement for my birthday tomorrow.

"Mom, don't worry I'll make sure we video chat tomorrow."

"I still don't get this whole video chatting thing," she says and I can just imagine her face at the moment.

"That's what you have a husband for, I'm sure he knows." I laugh.

"Oh please," she scoffs playfully. "He's practically useless," she laughs along with her joke.

"What plans do you have for tomorrow?"

"Jamie and my friends are planning a party, that's all I can say but you know if Jamie's involved then it's going to be pretty wild," I chuckle thinking about all his parties he used to plan every other week back in high school.

"That boy will never change," my mom adds.

"I'll let you get back to your work now, we'll speak tomorrow."

"Yeah, of course, love you mom."

"Love you too sweetie."

And the line goes dead. Without even checking the time I can tell that its late afternoon by how the lighting comes into the room. Since I'm about almost done with replying to the emails, I decide to take a break to check on Harry since I haven't heard from him all day.

M: Hey stranger

I smile at the text, ready for him to send back something sarcastic but the reply doesn't come as I would have liked.

H: Can't talk right now

Okay. My whole mood flips from his cold text.

"Please, not this again," I mutter to myself, remembering how Harry could change his mood so easily. One minute we're perfectly fine and the next he's closed off with me.

I rub my temples trying to ward off my forming headache. I'm just not going to let it bother me, instead I want to relax. But I'm starting not to feel relaxed here.

I dial both Lana and Jackie's number to see what they're up to tonight but neither of them answers, not even Alice or Jamie when I call to ask their status on their planning.

As I'm drowning in my self-pity, a knock at the door sounds throughout the apartment. A spark of excitement courses through me but quickly diminishes at the next round of knocking, the pounding continues on, the person behind the door angry.

I'm confused and slightly scared as I approach the door, not knowing what to expect.

Before doing anything I bring myself to check the peephole. My heart stops.






-RM <3

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