Chapter twenty-eight

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Jess's POV

"I'll be back," Harry says and detaches himself from me. I try to follow his direction but my view gets blocked by everyone here. I let out a sigh.

Tonight feels weird. I'm shocked that Harry agreed to come to the party with me but it's not like he's really here with me. At least not mentally. He's constantly looking around in the crowd and drinking and whenever I say something it seems to piss him off.

He's gone for too long and I start to look for him again over the moving bodies in this poorly lit place. Loud shouting and glass breaking catches my attention when I rush over to see a crowd of people circling a fight. My eyes widen when I realize that one of the guys is Harry. He's the reason for this commotion right now.

No one jumps in to stop it until two huge bouncers make their way to the scene. One of them easily grips Harry off the other man by the shirt and he looks out of it. Just like he always would look after a fight but I thought he was getting better, that he didn't fight as much as before.

"Why the hell would you start a fight with that guy?!" I assume, knowing he would be the one to start it, especially with how he was acting all night with his constant drinking and rude attitude.

His eyes flit over to mine and he has a neutral expression at my question. My eyes spot a familiar figure. She looks so familiar. And then I remember where I've seen her. She's the damn wedding planner and she looks just as shocked as I am.

Somehow I just know she's the reason for this fight. I look at her and then back at him and it's so obvious. I put the pieces together that something is definitely going on between the two of them. He started this fight because he was jealous that she came with this guy? I look over to the brown haired man.

It's like everything is clear now. All that I was trying to avoid and ignore all comes rushing back.

Of course he fought this guy because he was with Madelyn.

Pain and numbness is all I feel. But I hide my emotions; I pull on a hard façade as I look back at the man who claims to love me, even though I haven't heard those words leave his lips in months.

I give off the best neutral, uncaring expression I can before abruptly leaving.

Harry doesn't even bother to follow me or to come up with an explanation. I demand the valet to fetch my car and he hurriedly comes back with the vehicle.

I wait in the car for a few minutes fuming, waiting to see if he would come after me and get in the car so we could go home. From the rearview mirror I see Harry rushing towards the front of the building and my heart swells at the thought of him chasing after me but then I notice he's approaching Madelyn.

He's saying something to her and it looks like she won't listen to him. He tries to pull her hand and make her look at him but she doesn't, she's crying. He says something gently to her, looking her in the eyes and she nods. I remember when he used to look at me that way, like I was his whole world and he would do anything in his power to make things right, when he cared enough to do it anyways.

He gets in the car with her and I feel a tear slip pass my eyelids. I drive away from the party.

Madelyn's POV

"So you left Captain Prick behind?" he asks, already irritating me and making me regret letting him talk to me.

"His name is Jamie and he's staying at the party with Alice," I explain sternly, still very upset about him fighting my best friend and for the shit he pulled by bringing Jess. After Harry was dragged out Jamie insisted that he would leave with me but I convinced him not to. Just because my night was ruined doesn't mean his has to be too.

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