Chapter twenty-four

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After the long 7 hour flight I touch down in New York at around 2 in the afternoon Eastern Time which throws me off immediately.

"Thank you for choosing our airline. We hope the flight was as enjoyable as it possibly could have been. Welcome to New York." The pilot says and then we're allowed to leave our seats.

Grabbing my carry-on luggage I exit the plane, thanking the pilot on my way out, and then going through the gate, searching for my mom since she said she would be the one to pick me up.

When instead of my mom's brown eyes I meet the familiar blue eyes I run over to him. His arms lock on my body instantly and I take in the scent of him. My arms wrap around his neck and my fingers play with his short light brown hair. God I didn't realize how much I missed him. So many memories come back to me in his arms: the nights we've spent out, the many hysterical laughs we've shared, the road trips and that one awkward time when we kissed, testing waters, but in the end we decided it was too weird. He's like the older brother I've always wanted. We pull back from the hug and he kisses my cheek and then my forehead. I don't ever want to let go.

"God I missed you Mads," he sighs playing with my hair. "It's gotten longer," he says, referring to my hair.

"I missed you too, Jamie."

"Your mom's back at the house making food and she wanted me to surprise you."

"I'm glad," I smile up at him. His hands are still on me like he doesn't want to let go because of the fear that I might not be real.

With one more hug he picks up my one carry-on bag and we head over to his car.

"Just a fair warning, your mother is going bat shit crazy so prepare to be greeted by mountains of food," Jamie tells me and I fake a shudder.

Looking out the window, we pass by buildings, shops and parks that were once, and still are, my favorite places. I immediately feel at home in the chill of the fall weather. Jamie draws me from my thoughts when he says, "Tori and your dad won't show up till later because they're taking Logan to the pumpkin patch." He tells me and I sigh. My dad and I don't speak as much as I would like with him and his new family consisting of Logan and Tori in the way, but I love that he is happy.

"You're really quiet, what's up?"

"Nothing, just...taking it all in, feels great,"

"Yeah, you know we all miss you around here. Miss your retainer wearing face," he jokes about my dark days and I scoff at him playfully.

"Says the one who had their braces on for two years," I tease him.

"Hey, hey, hey, that was all in the past," he chuckles.

"Exactly, so leave me alone," I stick my tongue out at him playfully.

"So do you know the scoop about the wedding?" he asks, his eyes quickly meeting mine before focusing on the road.

"Scoop? What about it?"

"Brace yourself for a quick tale of our friend, Linda the homewrecker,"


"Honey! You look fantastic," my mom cheers once I step into my old home.

"Wonderful glow on your face," she says and I blush thinking of Harry, I feel as though his affect has caused this 'glow'. Thinking of Harry, I should let him know I landed safely.

"Thanks, you look great mom," I hug her. We sway in each other's arms for what feels like minutes and before I know it, we're both in tears.

"Oh come on," Jamie mocks us once he enters the home with my bag in hand.

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