Chapter forty-two

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Songs to set the mood:

- #Beautiful by Mariah Carey ft. Miguel

- Young and Beautiful –Lana del ray

- Crazy in love (50 Shades of Grey)  – Beyoncé 

Latch (Acoustic) - Sam Smith

Harry's POV

Madelyn fits into the family so easily; you wouldn't think that these were people she met just today.

After coming home from the walk I was happy to see that Gemma was talking a storm with mom. Madelyn and I were flushed in the cheeks as we made it back into the home and Gemma wasn't afraid to point that out.

Now, we all maneuver around the kitchen, making for a good meal. I can't deny that I was worried. Worried because I didn't know what I would do if my family didn't love Madelyn like I did, but they do. Every time that I hear Madelyn laughing with the three people that mean the world to me, I love her even more.

My stares must be noticeable because constantly she'll turn to look at me, giving me a weird look like she thinks I'm strange or something and then do something silly like stick her tongue out at me or fake a cross-eyed look. And each time there's a ridiculous grin on my face.

"These onions aren't going to cut themselves," Gemma bumps me with her hip, a smile on her face.

"I'm getting to them," I defend.

"You started these twenty minutes ago; maybe if you weren't giving Madelyn the googly eyes every ten seconds, you'd be done."

"Your point?" I ask while finishing the onions.

"My point is that this is my way of saying I see how much you like her and I'm happy for you."

"I love her," I correct.

"Oh, I think all of England knows that." She pats my back and then goes to help Madelyn with the potatoes.

I'm staring at her again, I know this but can you blame me, she's pretty damn beautiful. Robin steps into my line of vision and I take that as my cue to finish my task.

"Lovely girl you've got there Harry," Robin says quiet enough for me to hear.

"Why are you whispering?"

"Just in case she's listening. Wouldn't want her to realize and up and leave you," he laughs at his joke and I chuckle.

"Let's hope she never figures that out," I say and we share a few more light words and I finally finish cutting up the onions.

I wash my hands in the sink before grabbing a towel and drying out my hands. Madelyn's on one side of the island still removing the skin on the potatoes when I approach her. She doesn't notice me at first so I grab one of the skin scraps and throw it at her.

She gasps quickly and looks up at me. I'm smiling so wide, loving her expression. If I had my camera on me I would capture this but then I remind myself that I'll have days, months, and years to get under her skin, to love her, to take the best photos of her especially the ones without her knowing.

"What was that for?" she asks.

And I just simply shrug. "Move over," I tell her and she does and with my help we go much faster. Peeling was always my least favorite thing to do but I'll take it in circumstances like this when it involves her beside me.

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