Chapter twenty-six

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Harry's POV

I called off work today because I wanted to be there when Madelyn came back from New York. I remember that she told me that she'd be back around five a.m. so I'm here waiting.

I'm starting to feel nervous seeing her. We didn't speak as much as I would have liked. What if she decided to change her mind? But that would be crazy. I'm just freaking out for no reason.

I check my phone for the hundredth time but still her airline hasn't landed. I'm starting to think that she already landed and is home right now but fuck I can't call to ask because then that would ruin the surprise.

My patience is starting to run thin so I get up from the chair and walk up to the lady behind the boarding desk.

She smiles at me as I approach. "Hello, how can I help you?"

"When's the flight from New York supposed to land?"

Her eyes scan something on the screen before she tells me that it should be here in a half hour or so because of delay. I let out a sigh of relief and I thank her before making my way back to the seat to find some kid in it charging his phone. Seriously.

I decide to just stand next to this pole as I wait.

True to the lady's word, the plane arrives. I start to feel all weird inside as my heart races and my palms sweat a little.

Each person that comes out that isn't her sets me on edge but then I see her hair and to think my heart was beating fast before was an understatement. She's smiling and so am I and I'm just thinking how beautiful she is and I'm wondering what's making her smile.

She still hasn't seen me so I start to walk up closer to the group of people waiting for someone to come off the same plane. My smile falters when I see who's beside her with his arm around her shoulder. What the fuck?

Jealously immediately stings at my heart. What the actual fuck?

He looks like the type of guy who was a fucking jock in high school with his perfectly styled hair.

My confusion switches to anger when I see him touching her stomach. I'm livid and I don't know what to do. I want to go up to her and confront her, yell at her, even though I don't know enough to make an assumption but I can't start a scene here.

I run my hand through my hair furiously as I turn around away from her, passing by the people in my way. Before exiting the airport I spot a trash can and I quickly throw away the flowers I brought and head to the parking lot for my car.

Madelyn's POV

The ride back was absolutely terrible and uncomfortable since I got my period hours before boarding the flight. All throughout the seven hour flight the cramps were killing me.

The lady at the end of the aisle was definitely annoyed with my constant back and forth, while Jamie slept through it all.

"Wake up," I shake him awake just as the plane is about to land. His eyes look a little startled when he settles them on me.

"I had the weirdest dream," he tells me as he grabs our carry-on bags out. "I'm trying to order take out and the line is so long but then all of a sudden I'm in the front of the line and the lady turns around to ask me for my order and half of her face is missing like a zombie or something. I freak out and try to leave but the doors won't open." He says and I laugh at his ridiculous dream.

"You're watching too much Walking Dead," I laugh at him.

"Probably," he says as he swings his arm around my shoulder.

"How was the flight for you Mads?"

"Horrible," I say but the smile doesn't leave my face. "Period cramps while stuck on an airplane is not fun,"

"Aw poor baby," he pretends to care and rubs at my belly. I roll my eyes at him.

"Anyways, I'm thinking we..." Jamie starts to say but something catches my attention. The back of the figure is facing me and he's leaving but from his height and the hair color and length of it, I immediately think of Harry. Is it him? My heart swells. But wait, he would have called or approached me, I remind myself.

"What are you looking at?" Jamie says when he notices I'm not listening.

"Oh, nothing. Thought I saw someone I know," I pull on a smile.

"Well stop it. Let's get our bags and go. I'm starving," he groans.

"When aren't you hungry?" I tease and he pulls me towards baggage claim.

After getting our bags we go to the first open breakfast restaurant before heading back to my apartment.

While Jamie is in the bathroom I call Harry but the call rings for a few seconds before going to voicemail. I wait to see if maybe he accidentally hung up or? I don't know but I call again but this time it goes straight to voicemail. This is weird and I'm so confused. Not wanting to be annoying or anything I send a text saying to call me whenever he gets the chance. Maybe he's somewhere where he can't answer the phone.

"So when do I meet your new friends?" Jamie asks when he sits down across from me.

"Tomorrow night at the annual Halloween party, it's a big thing; almost everyone shows up for it. And don't worry they'll love you."

"Yeah yeah yeah, sounds good," he says as he cuts up his pancake slice.

"No one can replace you," I remind him and he tries to suppress a smile.

"I know."

"Well then stop being a big baby about it." I say and he doesn't hide his smile.

"I need a costume though, what are you going as?"

"The Little Mermaid, of course."

"Shit, I don't know what to be and this shit is tomorrow night."

"Let's go shopping, there should be some stores open by now." I tell him after gazing at my watch.

Taking Jamie shopping for a costume turned out to be a pain in the ass. He constantly decided on a character but then would change his mind the last second for something else.

After walking for hours he finally found a Captain America costume, shield and all.

"You look good," I praise.

"Ma'am I don't mean to be cocky, but of course I do," he winks, trying his best at his Steve Rogers impression.

"Work more on being humble," I tease.

The remainder of the day is spent calling my parents and then setting up plans with the girls on when we're going to meet up for the annual Halloween party.

Before the night ends I check my phone again and see that Harry hasn't texted or called me back. I don't want to jump to assumptions but I'm starting to get the impression that he doesn't want to speak to me but why? I sigh, rubbing my forehead before going back out to the living room and meeting Jamie to put in the movie he wanted us to watch tonight.

AN:  (idk if that actually happens in London, an annual Halloween party, but just something I put in there since it is a fictional story)

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