Chapter thirty

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jealous - labrinth,  beneath your beautiful - labrinth, patient love - passenger (acoustic)  // such beautiful songs


Jamie's messing with Alice, making her say certain words because her accent is 'so sick' as he put it. Alice constantly blushes as they speak in whispered voices while Jamie leans against the front desk where she stands behind. It's a nice sight to see. And just like I expected, he seems to be having fun here with the occasional bothering Alice and me. So far I've caught them twice behind the racks of wedding dresses full on making out. They're lucky it's a slow day.

I'm in my office going over schedules on my computer when a knock at the door is heard. I glance over at my watch for the time. I don't remember scheduling an appointment for today.

"Come in," I say curiously. The second I spot the brown curls a smile frames my face as I remember him promising me lunch today. He pokes his head through first, his eyes setting on me and a smile adorns his features.

"I believe you agreed to lunch with yours truly," he says, one of his hands behind his back.

"That's right, I did," I play along, dropping the pen in my hand.

"Oh, these are for you," he presents the flowers that were hidden behind his back like he almost forgot. "They're calla lilies, you said you liked them once- it's stupid right, where the hell are you going to put these?" he fumbles with his words, taking in my reaction the wrong way, getting more nervous than I've ever seen him, pink tinge in his cheeks that I can tell he's embarrassed by.

"No! No, they're perfect. It's not stupid. I love it," I almost snatch them away from him, bringing them to my nose. "They're perfect, Harry," I reassure him. "I was just surprised you remembered," I step from behind my desk and finally approach him.

"I actually listen when you speak," he says sarcastically and I laugh right before pulling him in to kiss me, but then pulling back to look at him. His features are hard like something is suddenly on his mind.

"You okay?" I smile up at him. He furrows his brow and shakes his head at being caught.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he reassures me with a smile. I can't help but feel like it's not genuine but I don't question it as I'm too giddy about him bringing me flowers.

"So you ready?" he asks.

"Before we go I have to do something." He rolls his eyes playfully. "Give me five-no ten minutes," I bargain and he complies.

"On with it then woman," he says as I walk out my office, his hand smacking me on my backside as I leave, causing me to gasp and him to burst into laughter. I try to conceal my blush and push down my inappropriate thoughts and head over to the paperwork I left unfinished.

I start to fill in the proper information on the charts but I'm so distracted by him. The fact that he's not doing anything in particular, just sitting in one of our leather chairs, playing with the flower petals drives me crazy at how appealing he is. I notice how his dark outfit is such a contrast to the immense amount of white in this place. I write in more logs while occasionally flickering my gaze towards his and catching his worried expression when one of the petals from the flower falls off. His eyes flash toward mine and I suppress my giggle.

He gets up, heading over to me, leaning against the desk when he whispers. "Are you done here yet?"

"Almooost," I stretch out the word as I get in the last log. My eyes briefly scan over my work to make sure it's correct before giving him the OK.

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