Chapter ten

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When my eyes open and take in the living room I'm in, I'm immediately struck with confusion.

Where the hell am I?

Looking around the place I see picture frames of girls and my hazy mind registers two of them as Madelyn and Lana. I'm in their apartment? What the fuck?

Did I sleep with Madelyn? Well, obviously not, I scold myself. I'm on the couch and she's in the kitchen.

Wait, she's in the kitchen.

Her back is facing me from where I sit on the couch and she's still in her pajamas, humming to a song. I think that's what woke me up, the sound of her pleasant humming. Shit, I'm in deep.

She turns around with a plate of breakfast and nearly drops it when she finds me staring at her. I smile, loving how she reacts to me.

I pick up my white t-shirt to pull over my head, but the stench of alcohol burns my nose. So, instead I approach her just as I am. She's blushing.

"This should help you sober up," she places the plate in front of me, but she doesn't look me in the eye, she avoids my face entirely.

"Did I... do something last night?"

She doesn't say anything, her eyes finally settle on my own.

"No," she finally says. "You just rambled a lot about Jessica and how much you love her." She says and a part of me doesn't believe her. Had I really said all that?

But then I'm hit with another thought, why isn't this believable? Shouldn't I have no doubt that I would speak this way about my fiancée?

"Oh," I finally manage to say. I look up at her and she's smiling, but it doesn't reach her hazel eyes.

"I'm going to get ready for work," she says, exiting the kitchen.

"Um, Madelyn, hold on," I grab onto her hand. "Erm, thank you for taking care of me last night." She looks up at me like she's in physical pain, like something is bothering her and I want to know what it is, now.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Harry," she sucks in a soft breath. "And it's no problem," she says, getting away from my touch.

I watch as she walks into a room down the hall, her room.

I run my hand through my bed hair and let out a sigh with a shake of my head. I move back over to the breakfast she made, for me. I smile at the thought.

As I eat I gaze around the apartment. It's beautiful, cozy, and full of life, especially with how the kitchen wall is decorated completely out of bricks. This is apartment fits her perfectly.

Once I'm finished with the breakfast I drink the water and move over to the sink and rinse off the dish and glass.

I walk over to a picture that catches my attention. It's Madelyn, Lana and a few other girls at the beach. Madelyn immediately sticks out to me rather than any of the other girls due to her being the shortest of the group with her long ginger hair that I just want to bury my face in.

I don't know how much time passes but as I wait for Madelyn to come back out from her room I spend my time looking at the many different photos her home contains.

She comes out the room wearing a black dress with long sleeves, her hair curled. I'm struck by her beauty but then finally realize that she's on the phone with someone.

"It's been moved closer, why?" she asks whoever is on the other line. I hear a muffled voice say something and then she says, "Now that makes sense, but I don't know. I can try to make it," she sighs into the phone, checking her watch.

"Right, well I'll talk to you later and let you know if I'll be there or not," she says. She's quiet for a few seconds as the person speaks to her and from where I am I see a smile spread from the side of her face. "I love you too, talk to you soon." She hangs up the phone. I love you, too. I heard her say.

She turns around and gasps, putting her hand to her heart, forgetting I was still here I guess.

"Jesus," she sighs.

"Who was that?" I ask as I pull on my pants, deciding to not wear the shirt since it still has that lingering alcohol smell.

"What?" she says confused.

"Never mind," I say, not wanting to feed to the anger that I already feel growing. Who the hell was she speaking to?

"I have time to take you home before work but we need to leave now." She says as I'm lacing up my converses.

"I'm ready," I say with an edge to my voice as I carry my phone and shirt out with me, checking to see if I have my keys in my pockets and finding them.

We're at the door and Madelyn unlocks it to find someone on the other side. He has a tan color to his skin, his eyes a dark brown, his brown hair long, longer than mine. He looks like he was just about ready to knock on the door. His eyes are surprised. He takes in Madelyn with his eyes before finally noticing me standing there, shirtless.

"Who the fuck are you?" he spits.

AN: Niykee Heaton is bae <3

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