chapter 20

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Hey guysI'm back with a new chapter. As you all have probably noticed that this book is under editing right now, I wanted to edit it so i wont have much to worry about when i started updating again. I have a small amount of writers block still. I need a little help with ideas for the other chapters and i don't want to rush over to the big fight between Samantha's friends and Herobrine. I don't want to write that chapter just yet and its probably going to be in many different POVS. Just let me know in the comments and lets get on with the chapter.

Samantha POV

   "My friend Ivoree should be here soon," I thought to myself as I paced around mine and Kim's room. I decided that I would look outside  to see how much longer till sun down. I saw someone walk up to the house. I go downstairs and answer the door. "Hello?" I said.

"Hey Samantha long time no see," Ivoree said.

"Hey Ivoree are you ready to train with everyone?" I asked.

"Hell yeah but one thing what are we training for?" Ivoree asked.

"We are preparing for a war," I said.

"What did you do Sammy?" Ivoree asked.

"I locked H-e-r-o-b-r-i-n-e in the void and he is returning to get revenge," I said.

" OK, well lets get inside before it gets dark," Ivoree said.

"Good idea and I'll show you where your sleeping," I said before leading Ivoree to the room she was sharing. "Your sharing a room with Mitch," I said. Ivoree smiles and cheers quietly. I stop in front of Mitch's room. "Here you go Ivoree your's and Mitch's room," I said before Ivoree walked in and set her stuff down. "Training start at 0200," I said before going downstairs and setting up our planning area to plan our war strategy.  "Now who else is going to show up to help with the war?" I asked myself before the guys came downstairs to start the meeting. 

"Ok is this all the Generals?" Mitch asked me.

"No I need to call Lewis and Dandon since they are out on a mission for these mthical rings that give humans powers," I said before calling them up using telepathy.

"What is it Sal- I mean Samantha?" Dandon said. 

"Dandon you and Lewis are Generals and we are having a meeting to plan our war strategy," I said.

"Ok Samantha but first we need to tell everyone about all of  his weaknesses and powers," Dandon said infasizing "his." 

"True but thats going to be a really long explanation to tell everyone though," I said.

"I know Samantha but it has to be done now lets get started," Dandon said.

"Ok guys i have to tell you about H-E-R-O-B-R-I-N-E'S powers and weaknesses," I said.

" Alright Samantha Go ahead and get started," Huskymudkipz said.

~~magical 2 hour time skip~~

"That was a really long explanation Samantha," Jerome said as he looked at the time on his watch.   

"I know but that is everything I know about him though," I said.

"Lets get started on planing or war strategy," Adam said.

"Alright so basically our war zone is some where near a forest," I said.

"Adam what are you doing?" Mitch asked.

"I thought I sensed another evil presence close by," Adam said before running to the window and looked outside to see an enderman stand outside.

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