Chapter 12

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Samantha POV

"Ok guys it's time to start training again," I yelled. As every one starts training I heard a noise coming from the distance in a bush. I went to investigate where the sound was coming from. I found my sister hiding in the bush but little does she know that I could sense her I just looked straight at her then I walked away acting like there was nothing was there. "Ok guys it's getting dark out its time for us to get back to the apartment now," I yelled really loudly. 

"But how is it already almost dark out already we just barely started training," Jerome complained. 

"Remember when I told you that Adam's dad will return well the first sign is that the days are really short like this," I explained as simply as I can. "Now people let's get back home and also who's turn is it to pay rent this time?" I asked. 

"Well it's Seto's turn this time considering you Jacob and Dykota can't really pay bills right now," Alex explained. 

"Ok now let's get back to the apartment and start recording," I yelled. I flash everyone to the apartment so that we all could get recording videos for our fans.

Rachel Dusk POV

I was ready, with shadows and ice at my side there's no way I couldn't get my revenge. She knew I was here, I knew that. I don't care anymore. I just want to get out of this idiots paradise! If I dont succeed, who cares? She will at least get out with a scar or two. I phase into the shadow world, my favorite place. I walk forward three steps, and phase back to earth as I jump. In their apartment, as I had learned a day ago, I watched in shadow form as they recorded. My sister was finishing her game, and the knife of ice was forming in my hand. As she stood, I shed my shadow form and threw the knife at her head. As I should have guessed, using telekinesis she brought up a chair and place it between herself and the knife with surprising speed.

"Hey, Rachel." My sister said. I growled as another knife started to form in my hand.

"No one calls me Rachel." I said as I phased into the shadow world and phased back in behind my sister. She disappeared then, to where I dont know.

'I know your mad at me for abandoning you.' A voice said in my head, as I looked around for where it was coming from. '  tried to bring you with me. but our parents wouldnt let me.'

"Liar!" I scream as black lined my vision. "You've done nothing but lie!"

'How would you know?'  The voice said as the black enveloped me in darkness.

Samantha POV

"I'm sorry Rachel but I had to get our older brother to put you to sleep so that I can talk to you and when you wake up I'll have a truth potion with me so that I could drink it and that you would believe me and Seto is making me drink a truth potion because of you. I hope you would believe me after all of this shit is over and done with," I thought to my self and to her. "Ok guys it's time to start training again but this time it's on how to talk to each other with our mind and what I mean by that is that Dandon, Seto, Adam, and I are going to train you guys on how to use your telepathy. I know you all are confused about that but let me show you guys how. I forgot that Ty is also going to train all of you also. Ok Ty are you ready?" I asked. 

"Yes Samantha I am." Ty said

S-me T-Ty

S- hey Ty

T- hey Samantha

S- I think this is going to be a pain in the ass to teach the others on how to use their telepathy

T- I think so too

Now that was an example of using your telepathy now it's your turn to try just try it with any one of us teachers even Rythian can help you train with your telepathy but it's going to have to be after your training is done with us now any volunteers? I ask / explain to them. 

"I volunteer to try and use my telepathy," Jacob said. 

"Well who do you want to try it on will it be me, Ty, Mitch, Adam, Rythian, Dandon, or Seto?" I ask. 

"Well I would like to try it on Seto," Jacob said. 

"Ok Jacob let's see how well you can do,"  Seto said. "Wow that was pretty good but you still need practice on that."( I'm to lazy to write the convo between Seto an Jacob use their telepathy) Seto said

Hey guys sorry for not updating in so long I got busy with school and my lil sis took forever to write her part of the story and yet I'm losing ideas for this story so I'm going to have a few of my friends write some of the chapters and a few of the chapters will be in third person but that is because one of my friends can write in third person point of view so be on the look for that and also wish me luck with all of my competitions coming up
Adam hey Samantha what are you doing?
Me I'm just rapping up a new chapter for this book
Adam well hurry up we are going out to get pizza
Me ok I will when you stop bothering me
Ok guys that's all I've got for you guys if you guys have any ideas for this book comment them please and I will dedicate the chapter that has your idea In it to you bye guys and I'll see you all later.

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