Chapter 13

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Hey guys Here is a chapter with one of the yogs i hope you like it and lets get on with-

Adam: Samantha get your ass down here now its time to record a skit with the guys

Me: Really right now i don't need to be in the skit remember I'm not part of team crafted

Adam: Fine you can stay in your room an write your book

Me: now on with the chapter

Duncan POV

I was visiting America to find more parts for my machines when I got a text from Sally.

Hey Dunc, I'm in trouble again with herobrine come quick and help us with a war. ~ Sally.

'Great, i have to stay for a lot longer than I planned," I thought to myself, "well i get to see one of my good friends from a while ago.

OK Sally I'll be at your place in a few days. ~ Dunc

I replied to her. OK, now I really need to get my teleporter up and running soon. I finally find the parts I need for my teleporter, now I need the rest of the parts for the weapons that Kim and I  would be using (yes I'm going to have Kim in the book too so deal with it) in the war. I just hope that Rythian will deal with me helping out with the war using science instead of magic. I finally get to my hotel and I get to work on the teleporter as soon as possible.

~A few hours later~

Finally I finish adding the last few settings. Now all i have to do now is put it on my wrist and teleport with all of my stuff to Sally, or as she says her name is now Samantha. I gather all of my supplies and clothes together. As soon as I was done packing it all, I teleported to Samantha. "SHIT! You scared the living crap out of me!"Samantha yells. "Hey Samantha, is every thing alright? I heard more yelling than usual!"Rythian said. "Hey Rythian, hey Samantha I'm here, i just had to finish working on this."I say as i point to the teleporter that's on my wrist. "Finally Duncan, you're here! We need a way to contact some of the other Yogs. Samantha says. "I have to get my other machines working first before i could start a new project. Also, Kim is on her way here right now." I explain.

Samantha POV

"Wait, how silly am I? You need a room! Duncan, will you please follow me." I said. 

"OK."Duncan said as he picked his stuff up. We go up the stairs and then down the hall. I stop in front of the door. 

"Alright Duncan, this will be your room. You're getting a room to yourself so that you can work on your projects in peace."I explained to Duncan. \

"OK, I'll get started on my projects as soon as I'm unpacked. "Duncan said as he closed the door behind him.

 "Man what are we going to do while we wait on the other Yogs to come?"I thought to myself. Maybe I could train Jacob on how to controlling his powers or I could help set things up for the training room that will be built soon."Hey Dandon, what are we going to do for when the war starts? "I asked Dandon as he walks up to me. 

"I don't know Samantha. I don't know. By the way its weird calling you by a different name." Dandon said.

 "I know it is Dandon, but we have to go by that name and it's going to take a while for us to adjusted to it." I explained. 

"Its just that its been a while since we had to fight the Brine and we are the ones that put him into exile! I thought it would take him less time to get out than 4 years for him to escape. Dandon said. 

"I know its going to be a pain in the ass when he comes back but we'll be ready for when he comes I just know it," I said. 

"I hope your right about us being ready remember how long it took for us to master our powers?" Dandon asked. 

"Yes i do remember how long it took for us to master our powers. It took us about 2 or 3 years to master," I said. 

"Yep thats right but how are we going to train about 5 people to master their powers before he returns," Dandon asked. 

"I dont really know but we'll figure it out," I said to reasure Dandon. 

"Well its time for us to be in bed night Evil chaos," Dandon said. 

"Dandon I told you no one calls me that anymore," I said to Dandon telepathically. 

"I know but it sounds appropriate General," Dandon said telepathically.


Hey guys that's it for this chapter plus i wrote this during school i hope you guys like this chapter ill see you guys in the next chapter by.

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