Chapter 1

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Samantha's POV

I was watching my favorite youtubers Adam, Ty, and Mitch when I saw that there was an new video uploaded by Mitch. I click on the video and Mitch starts with his usual intro:

"Hey doods it's Mitch or bajancanadian her and I'm with the entire team of Teamcrafted and we are adopting a daughter today and I'll see you later doods bu by."

As soon the video ended I decided, 'well I think I'll get ready for the adopters now so that the head mistress wouldn't yell at me for not being ready before hand.' The bell rings for adoption and I go down stairs to wait and see who is adopting. I look up, and to my surprise, Team Crafted if standing right there. Everyone lines up from oldest to youngest and then the adopters started going down the line. When they got to me, Adam asked me for my name I introduced my self to him.

"My name is Samantha I love watching your videos and I wish I could play minecraft like you guys!"As I finish telling them about my self they go and talk to the head mistress.

Adam's POV

"Hey guys, have we picked out anyone yet? I'm tired of waiting I'm going to ask the girl in the Jason I'm startled shirt for her name and what is it that she likes ok?"I go up to her and ask her for her name. Samantha, wow that's a pretty name and it turns out that she likes my videos and she likes minecraft. I yell to Jason "I found a perfect child to adopt!" I go up to the team and say, " I found the girl in the Jason i'm startled! shirt is Samantha and she likes minecraft. Can we adopt her? "They started talking and finally they said yes. I go up to the head mistress and ask for the adoption papers to adopt Samantha. "No No, you don't want her, she is disobedient, surely there is someone else you would like to adopt? "The head mistress says. "No, I would like to adopt Samantha."

Samantha's POV

I'm waiting to see if I get adopted by Teamcrafted. Adam walks up to me and tells me to get packing cuz your getting adopted. I screamed all the way to my room and pack all of my stuff. Which is not a lot. When I get down stairs Adam is holding his hand out, so I grab his hand and we walk out to his car. I get out my camera and start recording. 

"Hey all you great evil Chaosers, did guys miss me? I've been stuck in an orphanage for a long time and now I'm freeeee!!! I'll tell you all later about who adopted me and if your new to EvilChaos, then hit that subscribe button with your really powerful weapon and I'll see you all later!!"

As I'm ending off my video, I start to upload it to my YouTube. "Wait, Samantha your a youtuber too? I had no idea!" Adam says while driving. "Well I'll explain later I have a lot of recording to catch up on doing." When we arrive at the Teamcrafted house I wasn't surprised at how big it was since 7 guys live there but I was surprised by how clean it was. "So this I your house? And also, where is my room?" I ask Adam. "Your room is right next to Ty's." Adam explains. I go to my room and set up all I my stuff, even my laptop and my recording gear. I was about to start recording a hunger games when Mitch and Jerome came into my room and started shooting me with water guns. "Oh now your gonna get beat at the hunger games for sure when you guys start recording with me!!" I yell. They left my room proud of themselves. I go back a start recording my solo run of the hunger games. I finish recording and I uploaded my video to YouTube. I go downstairs and I see every one is down there, I bet they're having a meeting! I decide to go to the kitchen and cook me something to eat. As soon as I started to cook, all of the guy sat down at the table. "Hey Samantha, what're ya cooking?" Jerome asks. "I'm making some homemade pizza." I answer. "P(r)izza??! I can't wait!!" The guys all yell at the same time. When the pizza was done cooking, I cut it up into pieces and yelled, "PIZZA's READY!!". Everyone starts eating and I was finally happy that I was away from that hell hole of an orphanage.

Authors note

Hey I'm using my moms phone for this and I'm happy to finally write his fan fiction I know that Teamcrafted is smaller but Im still going to have Adam Ty and Quinten part of this fan fiction part of Teamcrafted. I'm letting you all know that I'm going through hard times and I'm cutting again plz show me some support.

Edit: hey! I'm Adj and I'm helping edit this! CX I hope you don't mind that I put this here!

Adopted by Teamcrafted (A YouTuber Fanfiction) [Discontinued Indefinitely]Where stories live. Discover now