Chapter 16

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Hey guys im back and here is another chapter. I'm adding sjin to the book now

Sjin POV
I was about to go to my farm to check on my chilies when I got a message from Sally man it has been too long since I've seen her and talked to her.
S - Sally SJ- me
S- Sjin I might have started a war again
SJ- Really? I told you not to do that again and did you get adopted?
S- Yes I did and this time I didn't mean to start the war but it hasn't happened yet because he has not returned completely yet.
SJ- That still does not excuse you from that and I'll be there soon since I still know how to use magic and I'll see you soon
Ok now that I settled that now where did I put all of my supplies for magic. Oh yeah they were stolen by straw fingers no matter I have my back ups. They are better than the set that he stole. I found my stuff and I teleport to the bedroom I'm supposed to be sharing with Ian I think. I see a man on the computer and I here him yell shit well doods that was another hunger games and I'll see you all next time bye. He turns off his recording and he turns around. "Hey are you Sjin?" he asked me. 

"Yes I'm Sjin so you must be Ian right," I said. 

"That's me so your bunching with me nice well I'm getting some sleep,"He yawned. Eh I just got here so I decided to explore and if I get lost in the house I'll teleport back to the room.

Samantha POV
Good Sjin's here now so alls we need is sips and one other guy I just hope they get here soon. I think to myself. Hey Sjin how is your farm? I ask Sjin. It is going pretty well and it was too quiet ever since straw fingers decided to skedaddle. He replied. Well that is good but now how rusty are with your magic? I ask him. Honestly I don't know how rusty I am with off encore magic but I do know defensive magic really well since I've been using it to protect my farm from mobs. Sjin replies. Well that is a good thing so you know how we need help with the war I think I could help you train with offensive magic but so you know Rythian is here along with Duncan so please don't fight. I say. Oh alright but after we win you owe me big time. Sjin replies. Ok ok but it's time for everyone to get to bed because it is almost sunrise. I say.
I don't really know how long the chapter is because I'm using a phone to write this chapter so if it's short I'll make the next chapter really long if I don't get writers block and I'll see you guys in the next chapter

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