Chapter 17

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Hey guys Sips here and Samantha will be gone for a while so in the mean time I'll be writing
Sam: Sips let me go this instance or you will be sorry for what you have done
Sips: You guys didn't here that
Adam: Samantha are you ok
Sam: Adam Sips has tied me up and is forcing me to read his version of adopted by Teamcrafted
Adam: I'm coming up
Sips: well shit I have to go
Sam: Thank you for untiring me Adam so now on with the chapter

Sips POV

Well it looks like Samantha has gotten herself into trouble with Herobrine again. I'm going to have to come out of hiding just to help Samantha and her friends. I don't care if I get caught I'm going to help her. I thought to myself. My phone starts to ring I pick it up.

Si- me Sa- Samantha

Si: Hey

Sa: Hey sips when are you coming? Incredible

Si: I'm on my way just got stuck in traffic

Sa: You are lying to me

Si: fine you caught me I'm still trying to hid I'm just trying to figure out how I'm going to get to your place without getting caught by the guards of H-e-r-o-b-r-i-n-e

Sa: Fine but you do know that you can teleport here right?

Si: Shit I forgot that I could teleport I'll be there in a second. Bye.

I hung up the phone and concentrated to teleport to Samantha. I teleport to Samantha. Hi Samantha. I say really loudly. Gosh damn it sips you scared the shit out of me. Samantha yells. I know I did that was the point and I teleport really quietly which makes it perfect to sneak up on people. I say. Now where is Sjin? I ask Samantha. Oh he is in the kitchen with Simon. OK thank you Samantha. I walk down stairs and went straight for the kitchen. Oh Sips is here. Sjin yells.Yeah I'm here yah big dum dum. I say walking up to Sjin and giving him a noogie. Sips please don't do that. Sjin complained. Oh do you still know how to use magic Sjin? I ask. Yes I still know magic but I'm a bit rusty. Sjin replies. Well good. I still know how to use magic and my weapons that I made back at Sips co. I say. So how is Sips co doing? Sjin asks me. It's been doing fine until the police found out that there is no need for me to make dirt and said it was illegal to sell dirt. I replied. What the hell Sips you didn't know that it was illegal to sell dirt? Sjin says

Samantha POV

Boys, boys calm down no need to fight all of the fighting will be done in the war. I yell. Damn it Samantha I was working on teleporters for every one until you yelled and it exploded in my face. Duncan yelled. Sorry it's just that Sips is here and he started arguing with Sjin. I yelled back. Guys we need to focus on the task at hand we need to train and we also need to build some things for the upcoming war. Lewis stated. TEAMCRAFTED meeting now. Mitch yelled. We're coming all of Teamcrafted yell including me. Sorry guys but I've got to go. I say. Now what? I ask. Samantha it's about your old friends. Mitch say. So what about them? I ask. Well they are different from us most of them are human and some of them are not. Mitch says. So what most if you guys have powers while others don't. I say. Well it's just that your old friends know about you either starting or being in other wars. Mitch says. Yeah I may not have told you guys everything about me but I just couldn't tell you guys because I thought you would be afraid of me like everyone else I've met. I say starting to tear up. Samantha we are not kicking you out of Teamcrafted we are just simply asking you to tell us the truth. Ian says trying to calm me down. Fine but the truth is that whenever a war starts a new evil arises or is trying to arise from someone that is participating in the war and that evil that will try to arise will escape from me. I say. What?!?! Teamcrafted exclaim/ask. I knew that would happen. I'll start packing now. I say while about to start crying. Samantha what happened in the meeting. Lewis asks me. I put my hand on his face and showed him. That is what happened. I say then I walk off.

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