chapter 8

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Hey guys I'm updating a little bit faster today so I'll be introducing Dandon the enter brine into the story because he is a friend of mine and u decides why not let h be in he story as well

Jacob- why do you have to bring my enemy in to the story he wants to destroy my waffle family

Me- because I want to and now your going to the cave where I locked the others so that they don't bother me

Mitch- think again you little trickster we figured out how to untie ourselves and to get back home safely and now it's your turn to be locked up

Me- that's what you think * flashes to under water base* now I have my pease and quite to write

Samantha POV

"Ok guys I need to tell you that I have an old friends coming down to visit later on today so I will be at the air port to pick him up so see you guys later," I said before walking away. 

"Samantha your not going any where without me or your brother," Adam said. 

"But dad I'll be safe and sound and yes I know that when your dad returns to retrieve anyone that he's been after for years we won't be out of has way but my friend is an endear brine hybrid so he can protect me when I pick him up at the air port but there is something you should know about him but I'll let him explain to you himself. I'll see you later," I said as I leave. 

"Ok Samantha your supposed to be in hiding right now but I have to pick up Dandon at the airport," I though to myself as I looked at my phone to see if I had any messages and I did and they are all from Dandon

D- Dandon S- Samantha.

D- where are you I'm at the airport already

S- on my way to pick you up now I got stuck with explaining to my step dad on why u had to leave the house so early.

D- like your going to stay with the same family for a long time this time

S- yes I'm going to be with the same family for a lot longer this time and miss on how we used to train together as kids

D- yeah you have to admit those were the good times back then now we are teenagers

S- I'm here now get in the car

Samantha POV

"I have to take you home with me now I'll explain on the way," I said. After explaining everything to Dandon. 

"Damn Samantha what did you do this time to get him do pissed at you," Dandon asked. 

"He knows that I'm a sorceress and I'm more powerful than him when I have the proper training to do so and we need time to get the old group back together again are you in because we need all the help we can get," I asked my friend. 

"I guess if it means I get to kick some ass in the process," Dandon exclaimed. 

"Good we are here at my house," I said We get out of the car and go inside the house to see my dad worried that I was hurt. "Hey dad this is Dandon my old friend he's been friends with Jacob longer than me anyways and he has something to tell you," I said.

Dandon POV

"So I am a lonely modern day redstoner. I was an experiment for a company that was working on genetic mutation and my genes got mixed into a pile of enderman genes. I am 21 years of age and my both date is 1/12. I am best friends with my friend Jacob and his sister Sam. It's nice to meet you Adam I was so eager to come and help out with the big fight and Samantha and I are going to get out ass kicking band back together so that we could fight you father again," I said. 

"Wait Dandon how did you know about my father and why do you have an ass kicking band," Adam asked me. 

"Well Adam Jacob and I started an ass kicking crew yers ago so that if any of us was in trouble with herobrine we would team up against him so that we could get away a live," I explained. 

"Oh ok but who else was with you guys," Adam asked. 

"Why so many questions I need a place to sleep," I exclaimed.

Samantha POV

"I'll show you your room Dandon it's going to be right next to mine but that's the only guest room that they have until I do some renovations to the house. I hope that our battles against herobrine when we were younger has trained us for the worst," I said. 

"Yeah I hope so too let's also hope that our old crew would me fit enough to fight him off this time," Dandon says. 

"I'll see you later tonight I need some sleep," I yawned.


Hey guys hope you like this chapter cuse if you do snake that vote button with your most deadliest weapon of choice. Sorry for the chapter be so out of place I'm not used to writing on here yet so please excuse any misplaced chapters I love all of you my readers and I'll hopefully update again.

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