Chapter 2: A Sign of Trouble

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Serena's POV

"Please Serena?! You have to tell Ash!" Bonnie shouted at me.

She just wants me to tell Ash about my crush on him. It's kinda a big deal, since I've had this crush on him since we were kids, but why was Bonnie so concerned about it?

"Bonnie, I just can't. Whenever I'm close to him, I start shivering, my tongue flickers, and my heart beats so rapidly, that it starts hurting me! I just don't have the guts to say I like him!" I told her, slightly blushing.

I wanted to tell Ash my feelings, but all I do around him is get nervous and start blushing...

"Who's telling you to say you like him?" She replied with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" I asked, completely confused at this point.

"You have to tell him that you love him!" She said, with a smile bigger than her face.

Bonnie's words made me blush even brighter than my Braxien's Flamethrower. But suddenly, I saw Ash heading towards us.

"Let's go Serena! We're leaving for Lumiouse City!" Ash yelled in excitement.

Ash was in such a rush for Lumious City to have a battle with Clemont for the Volt Badge. He's recently defeated the Coumarine City gym leader, Ramos, and earned his forth badge.

He was really pumped up for that battle. I honestly don't know where he gets the energy and confidence from to do so many battles and rounds of training.

"Hey Serena! This is your chance! Say it all!" Bonnie whispered it to me, her giggles being heard in her voice.

"No Bonnie! Not now!" I replied, but suddenly, Ash turned around in concern.

"Is everything alright Serena?"

"Ye...yeah! Nothing's wrong!" I replied, while smiling, trying to hide my blush and nervousness.

"This is going to take forever..." Bonnie sweat dropped.

Soon, we all left Coumarine City. All four of us were chatting, except Ash. He was a bit upset because he wanted to battle someone, but entite route was silent. Not even a single trainer was there. I was thinking for a way to express my feelings to him, but there was an explosion that occured a bit far away.

"What was that?" Clemont said, sounding a bit worried.

"Maybe there are trainers out there having a battle!" Ash cheered, sprinting towards the rising smoke.

"Ash! Wait!" I shouted to him, but he didn't bother to listen.

We all headed toward the explosion in about 15 mins. When we reached it, there wasn't even an earthworm rolling. There were only signs of violent Pokemon battles that had previously happened.

"I guess we missed the battle, Ash." Clemont teased.

"Yeah..." Ash moped with his head down, along with Pikachu.

From nowhere, Pikachu's ears twitched, and he pointed us towards another direction which left us in shock. There was an air craft rising up high in the air. It was almost as huge as three football stadiums. Its missile and laser cannons could be seen clearly. And the most noticeable thing was the large pink R printed on it.

"What a huge airplane!!" Bonnie cheered, pointing at the plane like a crazed fan, "Hey big brother, why don't you invent something like that?!"

Clemont was just speechless seeing the huge machine, but soon after, it disappeared into clouds. Was that Team Rocket's vehicle? That big R on the side really gave it away...

Regardless, all of us just ignored it and continued our journey.

Soon, the day ended, and we decided to spend the night under the stars.


Hey guys. Hope it's not going boring.
You are free to point out any mistake I might have missed.
All your suggestions are highly appreciated.


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