Chapter 25

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I couldn't help but overhear what August said, and when India coughed they all turned around....

" Aww hi, your back..." Mrs. Candace said...

" Save it mom" India said as she motioned me into the room....

I walked in as she walked in behind me, I went to the baby in this lil thing....

( A/N: I barely know anything about what they call baby things, but I know enough!😋 I want to be a pediatrician!)

I had tears fulfill my eyes, the baby looked just like Chrystal... So there was not anyway we could tell who was the father, but I'm feeling like there's more of 25% chance that he maybe mine...

" His name is Nathan..." India said patting my back...

" That's a... Good choice" I said wiping my tears..

" You know it's okay for men to cry..." She said chuckling a bit...

" No it's not ..." I said laughing ...

And before India could respond someone else , budded in....

" You two surely make a wonderful couple.." They said as we both turned around in despite....

There was no one there, we looked over it was Chrystal, India was startled.... " What are you talking about Chrissy?"

" Aww cut it out, you know exactly what I'm talking about , you've been screwing my husband..." She said ....

" Are you sure? You did hit your head pretty hard on that floor..."

" India stop it! Nothing is wrong with me, other than this bad ass headache I have ... I'm not crazy! "

We both said quiet, " And as for you, I hope you have a good lawyer, cause I want a divorce.."

" Look, I'm not about to do this with you in the hospital..." I said...

After that , India walked out..
" Hey, are your her husband?" The doctor asked walking in..

" Yeah..." I looked at Chrystal who seemed to have put a smile on her face... I just know since she knows , this is going to be a long battle...

The doctor swabbed me, and the baby, as well as August... We should be getting the results in about 2 weeks....

( 2 Weeks Later...🤗)
India's POV
Okay, I'm officially 5 months pregnant, I can no longer hide my belly under these sweatshirts.... Today I'm going meet with my I'm going to find out the gender of my baby....

Dreux couldn't make it with today, he was to busy spending time with Nathan before they find out the results of who's the father....

So Matika tagged along with me...

I was looking at the screen, " So how has the 5 months been treating ya?" He asked..

" Well , that's all I can say, not good not bad..." I said ..

" I can't wait till she have that baby.... She's cranky one minute she's happy the next... " Mimi said...

" That's why you should stay lowkey!" I said laughing....

Doc laughed, " Okay , ready to hear the great news!"

I shook my head, " I'm scared!"

" Shidd I'm not, tell me if I'm having a niece or a nephew !" She said standing up looking at the screen.

" Alright, it looks as though you are having a .... Niece!" He exclaimed!

" Nooo!" I exclaimed.

" Why no?! Yass!" Mimi cheered..

" I wanted a boy! Therefore I wouldn't have to deal with all that drama!"

" Girl bye! You gonna be happy after while!" She said causing me to laugh...

After that, Doc printed the pictures of my baby.... As I got into the car, I took my shoes off my feet were swelling...

It was now after 3 o'clock, I looked at my phone, I got text from Mom...

" India, tonight we're having a family meeting at 7 , make sure to be there! Love mama!😘"

I responded, " Yes mom, will be there... Love you too!"

I told Matika about the dinner tonight, " Do you think since you're about to pop, it should be the best time to tell them your pregnant..."

" I mean, no, but then again yeah... I just don't want to hurt my family, or break us apart..."

" Indi, you want me to be real?" She said.

" Most definitely..."

" I think, you broke your family or your bond with your family when you decided to get in bed with Dreux and sleep with him..."

" Yeah but he per..." I tried saying before she cut me off..

" No it takes two to tango... Now like I was saying , just be upfront with them, you're pregnant.. And it's obvious when you're not covering it.."

" I guess you right... Tonight would be right.." I said shrugging...

" I'm sorry but that's just how I've been feeling... I just didn't want to be rude but now you guys are bringing a child into the world, it's time to grow up baby girl..."

I didn't say anything back, but surely took it to heart... Even though I didn't want to hear it, I just had to ... And that's exactly why she's my girl, she keeps it 💯...

Updating again....


NATHAN IN MM! Isn't he's a cutie!😘❤️✨

Next chapter, everything comes out! 🤓

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