chαptєr 6

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India's POV
It was the end of the day at school and I was walking to my car and I was instantly turned around by someone..

It was Rashad.. Aww mane I forgot to tell him that I would have to reschedule.

" Are you ready for our date tonight?" He said roaming his hands down my back..

" I've been meaning to tell you about that; last minute plans .."

" Come on India, I've been meaning to make it up to you, I have reservations for us tonight!"

" But.." I tried saying..

" Know what forget it India... I get it you're not feeling me its cool.." He said letting go, about to walk away.

" Wait, Rashad! .. I promised , and I don't like to lie that often ... So I'll tell them I won't be able to make it"

" Alright! " he said smiling. " I'll pick you up for 7 ."

" I'll be ready" I smiled as he opened my car door as I got in..

I started my car and drove home, I parked my car and locked my doors getting out...

When I walked in , I saw Cameron and two other little kids running around , and Crystal looking like she was aggravated!

I kinda laughed, she doesn't want any children , she's just doesn't have the patience for them...

" Heyy you must be India! Crystal's beloved sister! I'm Stαѕí , Dreux's sister .. and my mom is in the kitchen.. I'll control these little munchkins they're out of control!"

I giggled, " It's a pleasure , and it's nothing, I have nieces and nephews as well so you know.. "

I walked in the kitchen to smell southern food for sure, I knew that Dreux is from Louisiana and he's Creole, but damn these food smells delicious!

( A/N : I'm from Louisiana! Best Chicken EVER!😂😂💀)

" Hi I'm India , Chrystal's sister! " I said smiling.

She turned her pot off to come and hug me which surprised me.. But I hugged back..

" You're so beautiful in and out person, I've heard so much about you love !" She exclaimed.

" Aww thank you! " I said smiling..

" I'm Ashley, Dreux's mother.." She said , giggling..

" It's an honor to meet you by the way the food smells amazing !"

" Thank you baby... You are staying for dinner right?" She asked.

" Noo unfortunately.." I said with a pout.

" Come on , you can always reschedule!" She pushed.

" I kinda promised.."

" Hmm well a girl has to do what a girl has to do right !"

I giggled a bit, " You're right!"

After we chatted more, I went upstairs and saw that Stasi had the kids in Cam's room..

The two little girls, were doing each other hair struggling..

" Hey do you guys want to look extra special?" I asked.

" Yess!" They both exclaimed.

" Can I join?!" I asked.

" Yess! " one of them said..

I walked over and sat behind the last one which they both had really curly hair..

" What's you guys name?" I asked..

" I'm Bella, and this is my little sister Jordan.." Bella said.

" Hi .." Jordan said shyly..

" Hi well I'm India!" I said giggling..

"Nice to meet you" They said..

I started braiding Bella's hair as I finished her hair I started to twist Jordan's hair; Bella is 6 and Jordan is 4..

" All done!" I said smiling.

They jumped up, " Oh my gosh Auntie I love it!" They both said very ecstatic.

I gave them a hug, " Any day, just call on me alright?"

" Okay!" Jordan said giggling..

I looked at the time and it was already 5:00 o'clock ... I walked out the room to only see Crystal stumping downstairs, hmm she's still mad?

I walked in my room and then the door shut but I didn't close it...

I turned around , " Damm Dreux you scared the shit out of me!" I said as my hand was over my chest..

" You're really bonding with my folks " he said pulling me closer to him..

" Dreux they're my family too.." I said " Only because of Crystal."

" But they actually like you.."

" You're freaking mar..."

He cut me off with a couple of pecks to the lips but I didn't kiss back...

" I'm still going on that date.."

" What the hell?! I told you what to do already?!"

" And I'm grown you don't make decisions for me !" I semi-yelled.

" Whatever enjoy you're date.. "

" I will atleast I wouldn't have to sneak around with him" I semi-yelled again as he slammed my door leaving..


To be Continued! 💕


I love all my loyal readers, MUCH LOVE!😘😘😘

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