Chapter 5

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"Ugh help! Someone help!"

I woke up with someone yelling next to me. My eyes open and everything was blurry first. I let out a groan and the yelling stopped.

"Tom! You're awake thank god!" My eyes open again and I looked to the side.

Ina was strapped down on a bed. Her feet were strapped to the end of the bed. There was a strapped around her waist holding her arms down on the bed.

A strap was above her chest restraining her to the bed. Freshly and dried tears were on her cheeks. I wanted to get up, but something held me down. I look down and saw that I was also strapped down tothe bed.

"Ina what happen?" I asked looking around.

My head hurts and all I can remember is getting hit in the head and watch them take Ina away.

"I don't know I woke up strapped down with you in this room." She said panicking. I need to calm her down.

"Ina calm down. It's going to be okay." I try to get out of the straps by moving around. I'm not letting us die here.

I don't know if this is even real, but we need to get away from here. My body started to hurt from moving around in the straps. This isn't going to work. I stop moving and look at Ina.

Her eyes were on the ceiling while tears were running down her cheek.

"Ina." She moved her and looked at me.

"It's going to be okay." I don't know if she believes me, I don't even believe myself that it's going to be okay.

"But what if it's not okay? What if we're never going to get out of here ever again.We don't even know how we got here!" She cries out.

I lick my lips looking at her. She's right I don't know how we got here.

"You always say that we're going to be okay, but what if you're wrong this time?" She whisper looking at me.

When I looked in her eyes I saw how scared she was. How could I be so stupid for thinking that I can protect her from this.

I should have learn from the past that I can't protect her.

The door opens and we both looked at. My stomach turned when I saw doctor Henderson standing in the room.

"Hello kids. It's time for the operation." Two men in white came in the room.

"What do you want from us!" I scream when one man move towards me.

"Ooh Tom you should know by now what I want." The doctor chuckle darkly.

"No please, not again!" I heard Ina crying.

I looked at her and saw that they pushed a needle back into her arm.

"No! Stop this!" I scream at the doctor who just stood there with an evil smirk.

"I can't Tom. I need you to be just like him." My eyes widen and I shookmy head.

"No, no! You can't! Not again. Not to Ina!" I can't let him hurt her like that.

I can't let him turn us.

Come on Tom.

This isn't real.

You were standing in the kitchen with Ina. You two were talking. There is no possible way for you to be here. You have to wake up.

"Wake up! This isn't real!" I mutter closing my eyes.

"This isn't real, this isn't real, this isn't real." I repeat over and over again.

A hand grabbed my arm and a second later a sharp pain when through my skin. I open my eyes and saw a needle in my arm.

"Wake up! Wake up!" I scream louder to myself.

"You can never wake up from this Tom. I'm always going to be here." The doctor said before I could feel the drug taking me into the darkness.

My eye shot open and I saw the wooden ceiling from my kitchen. We're back. It's was al just a hallucinate. It didn't happen, it didn't happen. My heart began to slow down, who was beating a million miles per hour.

I turn my head to the side and saw Ina laying on the floor.

Oh no.

I sat up and crawl towards her picking her up in my arms.

"Ina, Ina. Wake up." I lay her on my lap stroking her hair.

"Comeone wake up. You have to come back." I whisper into her hair.

A gaps escape her mouth and I pulled away.

"Oh my god thank god you're awake!" I whisper looking down at her.


She look around and let out a sigh of relief, because she saw that we were home.

"What was that?"She cried looking back at me.

I sigh shaking my head. "I don't know."

Haunted by Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now