Chapter 10

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"He's coming for me, I can feel it." Ina whisper while she sat on the counter, so that I could look at her knee.

"No he's not Ina." I said with a sigh.

I can't believe that she kept that for me for so long.

"But it's been weeks since he start following me and every time he's getting closer." She argue back.

I put my hand under her leg and lift it up a little. She hiss while I moved it, so that her knee wasn't bent.

"But he's still didn't got you, didn't he?" I asked looking at her.

She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it shortly after. "No, but I have nightmares about him, well more likely night terrors."

I took a wet washing cloth and dept. it on her knee.

"Ow, ow, ow that stings." She said through her teeth.

I chuckle shaking my head. "You had worse."

She shrug her shoulders pressing her lips together.

"But Tom the Mutati, it's like I have this feeling from him." She said looking at her knees.

I frown my brows looking confuse. "Which feeling?"

She look up shaking her head. "I don't know. I haven't figure it out yet."

I nodded my head looking back down at her knees. I pull the washing clothed that was now covered in blood away, before taking some bandages.

"As long as he don't come inside the house your save." I look back at her and saw that she was biting her lip, which means she's nervous.

"Ina he can't come inside the house, trust me." I put the bandage on her knee before taking a step back.

"All done, but do me a favour don't go running in front of cars anymore."

She laugh shaking her head. "I can't promise that."

I laugh putting everything away. The doorbell when off and we both look at the door that lead to the hallway.

"Who would it be at this hour?" Ina asked hopping from the counter.

"I don't know. Stay here, okay?"

I was about to walk away when she grabbed my arm. "Hell no, what if it's a blackhunter? I'm not letting you go alone."

Seriously?! This isn't the time for being brave.

"Ina please stay here."

She raise both her eyebrows looking at me crossing her arms over her chest. "Fine." She said sitting down on the table.

The doorbell when again when I was walking towards the door. Well someone don't have patience.

I took a deep breath when my hand was on the door knob.

"Dude is Ina alright?" I let out a sigh when I was that it was Scott.

"Scott you scared the shit out of me." I said putting my hand on my heart.

He laugh raising an eyebrow. "Why? Am I that ugly?"

I shake my head letting out a laugh.

"No, it's just. Ina had this thing today and." He didn't let me finish before answering.

"Yeah that's why I'm here. Is she okay? She ran right in front of my car and I think I hit her." I raise an eyebrow shaking my head.

"You are the idiot who ran her over." I joke by being acting that I'm mad.

He scratched the back of his neck. "Look sorry man I didn't mean to. She just ran in front of my car and I called her name, but she just ran off."

For a sec I looked mad at him, but I couldn't held back my smile. 

Scott looked confuse at me when I burst out in laughter.

"It's alright Scott, I'm just messing with you. Ina is in the kitchen she's okay."

Scott looked annoyed at me before shaking his head. "Not funny dude, not funny."

I laugh again before letting him inside the house. "It was funny." I said back closing the door behind him.

"No it wasn't, I thought you were going to kill me." I laugh again before walking pass him the kitchen.

"I wouldn't kill you, maybe punch you or something, but killing no." I answer with a smirk.

"Well I'm glad you would punch me instead of killing I guess?" He said with confusing in his voice.

We came in to the kitchen and Ina look up from the table. She was leaning on her hand with her arm on the table.

"See she's fine" I said pointing at her.

Ina raise an eyebrow looking at me and Scott.

"What are you talking about?" She asked confuse.

"Scott was the one who hit you with the car." I explained to her.

She made an o form with her mouth looking at him.

"I'm sorry Ina. You came from out of nowhere and I called you, but you just ran off."

I lean against the counter looking at him.

"I'm fine Scott,  you only hit my knee and it doesn't hurt much." She said with a small smile.

Scott pulled his beanie a bit back letting out a sigh. "Why were you even running in the first place. You look terrified."

Ina looked at me for a sec before looking back at him. She didn't know what to say.

"Ian got a hold of her and even worse, the Mutati was there too." I explained to him.

Ina nodded before standing up. "But I'm fine now."

I frown my brows putting my lips together. I don't know if I should believe her. Something in her voice told me otherwise.

"Are you sure?" Scott asked her.

She gave him a small smile nodding her head. "Yup all pink clouds and unicorns."

Haunted by Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now