Chapter 27

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My body shot up from the bed screaming. Hands started to grab me, trying to calm me down. Scared that it was someone who was going to hurt me more I push them away.

"Ina! Ina it's okay! You're okay."

No I don't know where I am. Those things are still after me.

"Ina open your eyes." I stop with screaming when I recognized Tom voice. He pull me to his chest stroking my hair. Through the tears in my eyes I saw that I was in a hospital room. Not again.

"Wa-what happen?" I asked looking up at him.

"Don't you remember?" I frown my brows looking down. I was asleep at Maddie's house, but I woke up in the woods. Those were chasing me. I ran and got shot.

"I got shot." I whisper looking back up at Tom.

He nodded his head.

"I don't remember going to the woods." I whisper trying to think about it.

"I think you sleep walk to it." I bite my nail not feel too well.

"Why? I don't know why I would do that." I explained.

"You did it before." I look at him confuse.

"When? I can't remember." I thought I never did that before.

"The first few night after Parker and Hayley got killed. You sleep walked around the house the first night. On the second night you sleep walked to my room and the third you sleep walked down stairs and was lying in front of the backdoor when I woke up. You wanted to get out, but I locked the doors just in case something like that would happen." He explains.

I really don't remember doing that.

"But why would I do it now?" I asked.

"I don't know Ina." He said with honesty.

I press my lips together trying to think about something. I hate this. Why don't I have any control over my actions?

"Ina?" I look up at him waiting for him to continue.

"Yeah?" He let out a sigh scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry for what I did and say. I know that you have all the rights to not to forgive me and I have truly no perfect excuse for what I did." I know he was sorry.

I said some pretty bad things too.

"It's okay. I know that lately your stressed and I just pushed you. I'm sorry too." He gave me a small smile before pulling me in a hug.

"I'm not only stressed. I have this feeling that something bad is going to happen. I just didn't want to tell you." He mutter into my hair.

I let out a sigh hugging him tighter. "Whatever is going to happen I know we're going to get through."

I hear him laugh shaking his head.

"I know." I smile before pulling away.

"I understand why you didn't tell me about Alex." I said suddenly.

He raise a brow. "Yeah?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, it's sad that I don't remember my own brother, but then I also didn't remember our parents." I said with a small laugh at the end.

"The weird thing is that I don't even remember reading about him in my file."

It's true. I didn't see his name.

It was like doctor Henderson didn't write about him. Tow frown looking confuse. "Ina what are you talking about?"

Didn't I tell him about the file? I thought I showed it to him.

"One time when we were in the asylum I took my file with me. When I read it I didn't saw Alex his name. it only said that we were with four and not with five." I explained.

Tom still had a confuse expression on his face. "You didn't see his name? That's weird." I nodded my head in agreement.

"How long do I have to stay here?"

"I don't they didn't say, but I don't think too long." Good, because I hate it here.

A knock came from my door making us look at it. Scott came walking in giving us a small smile.

"Ina I'm glad to see you awake." I smiled giving him a thumb up.

"I brought someone with me for you guys. Someone from the Dawnseekers." I sat more straight when I saw the door open again.

My eyes widen when I saw who it was.

"Mister Trainor?"

Haunted by Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now