Chapter 41

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We arrive at the graveyard and got out the car. I help Alex again because he's too weak to walk. When we found him he couldn't walk and could barely move.

His body was exhausted from everything he's been through.

"Come on the sun is going to set any minute." Craig said walking ahead from us.

Ina came to Alex's other side and put his arm around her shoulder. We need to get to the crypt before anything happen. Alex may be himself right now, but he's still a mutati. If we can't help him before midnight, he's going to change back.

We made it to the crypt when the sun was completely gone now.

"What do we have to do now?" Ina asked looking around.

It was still light outside and I don't think the moon is gonna come up any moment now.

"We have to wait."

I let go of Alex and walk to Scott and Craig.

"Are they gonna come here first?" Craig shook his head.

"I don't think so, first the house maybe the asylum, but I don't think they know we're here. Unless they have following us for the whole day."

Months ago Ina told me that most of the Blackhunters had run out of Breakset, but The Henderson family stayed with a couple of them. They were there with Alex in the church.

I don't know how we could escape.

It was like they didn't even care.

"Does anyone have a feeling that saving Alex was to easy?"

They guys looked at Alex and Ina behind me before looking back at me.

"Yeah it was too easy. They didn't even tied him up or something." Scott said shaking his head in disbelief.

"It was too easy, but if they would have followed us they should have been here by now." Craig remarked.

I let a sigh running my hand through my hair.

Those Blackhunters always have a plan.

"Tom." Scott looked behind me with a shocked expression.

Me and Craig quickly turned around. My eyes widen when I saw the Blackhunters standing there, well some of them. They did follow us. I hear a clicking sound coming from next to me and saw that Craig had a gun in his hand pointing at them.

Derek Henderson came from behind some people and smiled. "Did you really think you could save your brother Tom? You can't even protect your sister."

Two man dragged Ina and Tom in front of us. I wanted to take a step forwards, but stopped when they pulled out a knife and held it against their throats.

"I wouldn't do that if I was you." Derek said with a smirk.

"What do you want?" I said annoyed.

Derek laugh stepping closer to me. "Isn't it obvious."

He walk around enjoying everything that is happening. "I want to turn you in a mutati and for your little sister over there, well we still need those memories."

I narrow my eyes at Ina and Alex and saw them struggling against the men.

"She don't remember anything." I snapped back at him.

The reaction I got from was a chuckle and him shaking his head. "Ever heard from Trepanation?"

I know the word, but I never know what it meant. I heard nurses saying it when I still lived in the asylum. I remember when they would say it to a patient they would go totally out of control.


He chuckle again before walking towards Ina.

In the corner of my eye I could see Craig still holding the gun.

"Well it's when we drill holes in someone's head. It make them forget things or remember them it depends where you drill." He run a hand across Ina cheek making her pull away.

"If you think I will let you drill a hole in her head, you're totally wrong." I growl looking at him.

"You don't really have a choice. I don't know what you're doing here in a graveyard, but I do know that you're out of number. It's just like taking candy from a little kid."

We maybe with a few people shorter then him, but I'm not gonna go down without a fight.

The moon began to rise making the graveyard even creepier than before.

"Isn't that a great birthday present Ina, you get your memories back."

I look how she shook her head. "I don't want a hole in my head."

Derek turn back to her. "Do you want to be a mutate like your brother over here."

He pointed at Alex who didn't look all too good.

Sweat was running down his forehead back his hair stick to it. I could see that he was fighting the change. It's still a few hours until midnight.

"I bet you're in terrible pain right now. Fighting of the urge to kill and hurt the people you love." Derek said walking in front of him.

"Did you already tell them how many people you have killed over the years?" It wasn't his fault, he wasn't himself when he did that.

"Stop." Alex growl looking at Derek like he wanted to rip off his head.

"I wonder what will happen if you are still here with your family at midnight."

I look around trying to think of something to stop this. I hope that my family would help, but they can't do much their ghost.

Haunted by Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now