Chapter 33

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Tom quickly shut it behind me and lean against it. The door started to shake and banging came from on the outside. Whatever was outside wanted to get in. I rush to Tom's side and lean against the door as well.

Just as it began it suddenly stops. I close my eyes taking a deep breath before opening them back.

"Is it gone?" I asked looking at Tom.

"I think so."

He moved away from the door and walked to the counter throwing the book on it. He open some drawers before looking back at me.

"Come here." Slowly I made my to him.

I saw that he had some bandages and stuff laying in front of him.

"Give me your hand." I could hear the anger in his voice.

I put my bloody hand in front of me so that he could see it. He began to clean it up. His touch was more rough then normally. When he was done cleaning it up he put a bandage on it.

"Aw!" I pull my hand away from him when secure it with a knot.

"Sorry." He mutter before putting everything back in place. I look at the book before reaching out for it. Before I could touch it Tom slams his hand on it.

"Do you really think I will let you keep this book?!" I pull my hand back looking at him. I know he's angry at me.

"Tom I didn't meant to."

"Didn't mean to do what Ina. He could have killed you. You have no idea how evil he is. Once he was our brother, but he isn't anymore. Stop reaching out for him." He took the book and walked out the kitchen.

I wanted to run after him and say sorry, but I know I need to give him some time to cool off. I ran a hand through my hair letting out a sigh. Maybe this was a bad idea. I have no idea if that thing that chase us was Alex, but I know it was something evil.

I made my way to the stairs without saying goodnight to Tom who was sitting at the table looking at the book. He's going to be mad at me for a long time. The moment I came into my room I know something was wrong.

It was cold and darker than usual. I wanted to turn around and run out the room, but the door slammed shut when I turn around to run. My breath got stuck in my through when I heard footsteps on my floor.

I was frozen in fear when I hear the footsteps. My hands were on the door knob ready to open it, but I couldn't. I was just paralyzed. My eyes was tightly closed. I was scared to open them. The room got colder and I have seen my own breath before I had closed my eyes.

The footsteps got closer until it was right behind me. Slowly I open my eyes and saw someone's breath coming from behind me. I bite my tongue so that I wouldn't scream it out from fear.

I let out a whimper when I saw a hand moving towards mine on the door knob. My skin burned from the cold when he touched me. Slowly he removed my hand from the knob before turning me around. I look down trying to avoid the person or thing in front of me.

I saw how his hand when to my chin lifting it up slowly. I bite my lip wishing that this was just a dream. I wished Tom would run through that door and see this. My face came face to face with a boy.


I immediately knew that it was Alex. He looked so much like Tom. His skin was so pale almost blue from the cold he brought with him. There were bags under his eyes like he didn't sleep since forever. His lips were dry and chapped. The blond that his hair normally should be was now dirty and dark blond. The simple tee shirt and jeans were ripped and dirty.

"Alex?" I croak out.

Something changed in his eyes before his hand shot up to my throat squeezing it. Pure hatred was all I saw in his eyes. His hand tighten around my neck when I try to move them away.

"S-st-stop ple-as." I begged.

"Al-Alex yo-you're hurting me." I choke out.

Those finally snapped him out of what he was in. He blink his eyes a few time before looking at me.

"Ina?" He saw what he was doing and immediately let go. I fell to the floor taking a deep breath. I started to cough and my hands when to my throat.

"I'm so sorry." Alex kneel down beside me rubbing my back.

"The ritual you did only turns me for a few moments back, but it doesn't take away the killing part properly." He explain.

I nodded my head taking a deep breath. He smile for a sec before pulling me into a hug. I was frozen for a sec, but I hugged him back.

"It's good to see you again sis." He whisper.

I smile burring my face in his shoulder. Maybe that dream I had months ago about someone saying that I have to save my brother was about Alex. Tom didn't needed to be saved, but Alex does.

"It's good to see you too." He pulled away and stroke my cheek.

"It was pretty dangerous to call me here. I could kill you." I nodded my head know the dangers about this.

"But I needed to speak to you. Tomorrow is my birthday and it's maybe the only day when I can help you turn back, but you need to tell me how." I explained.

"It's not that easy. They made a deal with the devil practically. My soul is completely taking by darkness. It would cost so much light to fix that." I bite my lip looking down.

"So there isn't a way?" I asked looking back up.

"There is. Our family is pretty strong and is filled with light. There are so many spirits from our family in this town. Find them and they will help. They will always help." I smile at how sweet he was about this.

"You need Tom for this too." I shook my head.

"He won't help." I quickly said.

"Ina he will trust me." I nodded my head not wanting to argue with him.

"I need to go before I turn back. I want to be as far away from you when it happen, so that I won't hurt you or Tom."

I didn't want him to go already.

"Okay." I whisper.

He stood up and help me up too.

"You're going to be alright." He whisper when he pulled me in one less hug.

I close my eyes and feel him pull away.

When I open my eyes he was gone and my bed room window was open.

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