Chapter 3

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The hot liquid burned my throat when I drank the fresh made coffee. I was making breakfast for me and Ina.

I hope that maybe today she would come out of her room. Last night she didn't locked her room or had a really really bad nightmare. I wish she had more nights like this. I really miss the old times were she wouldn't hide from me.

After she lost her memory we got so much closer. She couldn't remember anything from her life excepted me, which was weird at first. I mean she must have remember mom and dad, but no she didn't.

The doctors told me that after what happen to her in the asylums and the traumatic experience she when through while being there, that her mind had blocked it all out in order to survive or at least to function normally.

Which I can't blame her mind for doing it.

Sometimes I wish my mind would have done it. All the things that happen there were awful. I lost my whole family there, expected for Ina. So when the doctor said that I shouldn't tell her anything about it and just fake a other life, I said yes.

Some of my mom and dad old friends said that they would help me. They've  would pretend to be our mom and dad, so that Ina could have a normal life.

At first it was weird for me to call some people I never met in my life mom and dad, but after a while I began to get used to. 

That one year everything was perfect.

Ina didn't remember anything, so she could have normal life, sort of. She still saw ghosts, I still don't know how she remember me and that she could see ghost. If she remembers me why didn't she remember the rest of our family?

"Good morning." I turn around and saw Ina standing at the door.

The look on her face told me that she was still tiered. I can't blame her, last night was her first good sleep in a long time.

"Good morning." I said back with a small smile.

She made her way to the table and sat down. I watch as she took some fruit and slowly began to eat it. Okay this is good she's eating something. Let's just hope that she can keep it down.

It wouldn't be the first time she would throw it back up.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I didn't had notice that Ina was looking back at me. "uhm I, I was just happy that you are here with me eating breakfast." I said honestly.

She gave me a soft smile before looking back down at her plate. For a long time it was silent until she spoke up.

"Why don't you call me Evelina anymore?" I was thrown back for a sec.

Why would she wants me to call her that?

"Uhm, I never really called you that, not even before the accident. It was always a nick name we have for you." I explain to her.

She bite the inside of her cheek before looking back down at her food. I let out a sigh before grabbing her hand from across the table.

She look up at me.

"Ina please tell me what's bordering you."

She shook her head pulling her hand away from mine.

"I can't." She said looking up.

I lick my lips shaking my head now. "Ina why can't you tell me. You know I wanna help you and if I just know what is happening I can actually help you."

She bite her lip before looking up at me.

"I don't want you to get hurt." She whisper on the edge of crying.

I close my eyes and took a deep breath beefed opening them back. "Ina nothing is going to hurt me if you tell me what is wrong with you. Please I'm begging you."

Her eyes looked right into mine trying to figure out if she would tell me or not. It's hard for me to see my sister like that. After all what happen I want her to be normal and happy, but that seems impossible for us.

"I can't tell you now, but I'm going to tell you if I'm ready. Can you understand that."

To be honest I was disappointed that she didn't tell me.

After years of telling me everything. I always thought she would tell me everything, but I guess she needs her time for this one.

"Okay, I'll wait." She gave me a weak smile before standing up.

The moment she stood up a groan escape her lips. Her hands when to her stomach holding it.

"What's wrong?" In a sec I was by her side.

"I don't know my stomach hurt really bad. It was already hurting this morning when I stepped out of my bed, but now it's burning and stinging badly."

I had to hold her up because she was in pain so badly.

"Let me see your stomach." She nodded her head and began to lifted her shirt up.

My eyes widen when I saw a claw mark on her stomach.

"What is that?!" Ina said panicking.

I shook my head looking at the three red lines that was forming the claw.

Wait a minute.

In my dream, Ina stomach was hurting in my dream. She refused to let me look at it and ran away.

"Ina tell me the truth do you have any idea how you got this." I said holding on to her shoulders.

Quickly she shook her head. "No, no! I when to sleep with nothing on my stomach and when I woke up it was only hurting, but I thought it was nothing so I didn't look."

I let out a sigh before looking back down. Ina put her shirt back down making me look back up at her.

"What is happening?" I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know."

I could see on her face that she wasn't happy with my answer. I have no idea how much stress she can handle more. Maybe we both need a day of, a day not thinking about our problems.

"You know what. Let's forget about this for today and just have a day that we watch movies and do all the thing we did years ago." She looked confuse, but she knew I was trying to get her more relaxed.

"Okay fine."

Haunted by Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now