Chapter 23

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"Why didn't you tell me!"

There was a full on yelling match between me and Tom now. I was angry at him for not telling me that I have another freaking brother.

He's angry because he said he was protecting me. Protecting me from what? Knowing my other brother.

"Ina I couldn't tell you!"

I scoff shaking my head.

"You couldn't or didn't want too. Because you never tell me anything! You always lie to me!" I yelled back.

Scott and Drew were just standing there on the side, not wanting to interfere with us.

"I couldn't it was for your own good!"

I lick my lips letting out a laugh.

"Really my own good! The last years I have been so lost! I didn't know who I was! I was afraid and didn't know what to do! I trusted you because you're the only person I have left! But you keep on lying to me Tom! I have to keep on finding things out on myself!"

I was on the edge of crying, but I didn't want to cry in front of him.

"Yeah and look what you did! If you hadn't go to the asylum we would have a normal life, but you screw that up!"

The words escaped his mouth before he could hold them back. I could see in his eyes that he regret them the moment he said them. He knew that I always believed that this was all my fault and now he said it.

"No Tom you did. You did from the moment on you promise mom and dad that you would protect me, because you failed. You failed them."

My head turn to the side when a slapping sound filled the air.

"Tom!" I hear Scott yell.

I bite my lip trying to hold back the tears.

My hand was on my cheek that was now sting badly.

Slowly I look up at Tom and saw him looking at me with disbelieve.

"Ina I-" I shook my head cutting him off.

"Don't, I don't want to hear it." I said while a tear run down my cheek.

"I hate you." I whisper swallowing hard.

Tom shook his head. "No you don't."

I scoff while more tears run down my cheek. I heard how hurt he was in his voice.

"No, but I should."

I ran pass him up the stairs to my room.

With a loud bang it closed behind me. I held the door knob in my hand while I lean my head against the door. More tears stream down my cheek while sobs began to escape my mouth.

I can't believe he hit me.

He promise he would never let anything hurt me, but was that including himself? Violent sobs escape my mouth while I slide down the door with my back.

What is happening to us? This isn't us. I would never yell at him for being a bad 'parent' or he would never slap me.

We just yelled at each other the things that we thought we did wrong. This isn't normal. I can't be here right now. I need to get out now.

I stood up and ran to my window. I climb through it and walked on the roof for a while until I reached some plants that were growing against the walls of the house. They were strong enough, so I could climb down from them.

Not caring that an of the guys would see me I ran down the street. I know I'm going to have to face him sometime, but not now. Not after what just happen. We were both wrong and we would shouldn't have said those things.

It's better if we just cool down for a little bit. I don't know why that this have to be our lives. I hate it so bad. I wish I could be normal so badly, but I know that I can't. I can't never me normal.

My whole family wasn't normal and looked what happen to them. They're all dead. Each and one of them are dead.

I'm probably the next one or Tom. Dead is never going to stop following us. Where ever we go it will never stop.

My feet came to a hold when I reach my destination. I ran up the steps and quickly knocked on the door. I probably look like a mess.

Tears running down my cheeks and a red cheek. The door finally open and I let out a sob.


I would have come sooner to her, but I was afraid.

"Maddie can we talk?" She nodded her head before letting me inside.

Haunted by Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now