Chapter 13

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"What are we actually looking for?" I look through some old papers well on the desk before looking up at Ina.

"Anything that can help us." She nodded her head before walking to the other side of the room.

This man was smart and had a lot of ideas. I don' t know why he would tell them all to a little girl.

I'm sure that he wrote down some of them.

Lightning light up the room while the rain was hitting the window harder. The three of us didn't say a thing.

The only thing you could hear were papers from moving them and the rain. The room was dark really dark and if we didn't had our flashlights it would be impossible to see something.

The dark never really scared me. I know what's hides in it and this building is filled with it.

I have seen ghosts in the hallway when we walked to the office and I'm pretty sure that Ina saw them too.

I had hoped that they would have left after the fire, but they're still trapped here. I know their behind the door waiting for us to come outside.

I would hear them laughing maniacally or I would hear someone pushing a bed down the hall, like they are being push to the operation room.

Scott didn't hear them, but Ina did.

Every time I would hear something she would be looking at the door.

After hours of searching we didn't found anything. We looked through everything in the office and didn't found anything.

"This is the last piece of paper that we didn't look at. "Scott said holding an old piece of paper in his hand.

My eyes scan the paper, but nothing. There were only names on them. I shook my head looking at it. "Those are just names from some patients here."

He let out a sigh before dropping it on the ground.

"Well this was a waste of time." I said looking at the mess we made in the room.

Who cares it's not like someone use this room.

"So what are you gonna tell her?" Scott said nodding his head to Ina.

She fell asleep a hour ago against a wall with papers on her lap. I had moved her a bit, so that she could lay down and covered her up with my jacket.

I shrug my shoulders looking back to Scott.

"I don't know." I said breathing out.

"Let's just go home, it's late and I'm tired." I said walking away from the desk.

This has been a long night and I really want my bed right now. Scott already fell asleep twice in the past hour, but every time woke back up.

I made my way towards Ina when lightning light up the room again.

I froze in my tracks when I saw a dark figure standing over here. How long was he standing there? Why didn't I see him faster? All those question ran through my head while I looked at them.

I couldn't move, all I could do was stare.

"Tom what are you doing?" Scott asked standing next to me looking confuse.

My eyes never left the dark figure and Ina. He had his hand on her head and it looked like she was having a nightmare. She was moving around saying some stuff, but it was to quiet.

"There is someone standing by Ina." I walk closer and the moment I was by her side the figure disappeared.

Ina shot up from the ground breathing heavily. It took her a second to realised  where she was until she calm down a bit. She saw me and wrapped her arms around me.

I could see the fear I her eyes before she latched on to me. 

"Hey it's okay." I said when she hugged me.

She shook her head letting out a sob.

"He's not letting us go." She whisper to me, but loud enough for Scott to hear.

"Who?" He asked kneeling down beside me.

Ina pulled away with tears running down her face.

"Doctor Henderson." She whisper

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