Chapter 37

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My grip on Tom's hand tighten when we got further into the darkness. I couldn't see a thing beyond the light of the flashlight. The more we when further down the stairs the colder it got.

I had no idea what we were going to do when we got at the bottom or what to expect. I still can't shake the feeling away from them being angry at us.

Like Tom said there were other feeling too, but angry was the most I could feel. It's normal to feel emotion on places were spirits are.

I always get them. Normal people get them too, but they just blame them on crazy hormones or other things.

Like always.

We came at the end and all I could see was a darkness. It was weird because even with the flashlight that Tom was holding in his hand we couldn't see a thing in front of us.

"Tom." I breath out.

"Yeah I know. I can't see a thing either." This can't be normal.

You should see things in front of you when you have a light, but we didn't see anything. It was like we were looking at a black wall.

"Ina stay here I'm gone look for something."

He wanted to let go of my hand, but I grabbed it again.

"No, no, no don't let go! It doesn't feel good here." I quickly said grabbing his arm as well.

"Ina I'm gonna be right next to you, I promise." I let out a sigh know that the only way we could see something is for Tom to look around.

"Okay." I breath out.

Slowly I let go of his arm and hand. The moment he let go and turned away from me, blocking the light I was in complete darkness. I don't know if I had my eyes closed or open, it was the same darkness.

I could hear Tom walking around making noise when his foot hit a stone making it bounce around the room.

"Aha got it." I hear him say after a few moments of silence.

I hear a sound, like a lighter being lit. A torch was lit and I could see Tom standing next to it. A second later another torch was lit next to the one Tom lit and then the next and the next and next until the whole room was lit.

Finally some light, so that I could see the damn room. There were some coffins in the wall and two stone coffin, I guess that's what they call them I have no idea, were standing in the middle of the room.

I turn back around to Tom and gasp. A man was standing behind him. Tom turn around when he saw my shocked face.

The man grabbed Tom and smacked him to the ground. I took a step forwards to go help him when two very long arms wrapped themselves around me.

I screamed when a face appeared from next to me. He had stretch his neck from behind me until he was in front of my face. I could hear his bones cracking when he moved. I was frozen in fear and couldn't move anymore.

"Stop!" I hear Tom yell standing up from the ground.

He ran towards me and the man who was holding me turn his neck to face him.

"Tell me what you want intruder or she will join us down here." He hiss at Tom in a unhuman voice.

The grip he had on me tighten and I could feel the air being push out of my body. It felt like a snake was wrapped up around my body.

"We're not intruders. We came here to asked you for help." Tom looked at me when I let out a whimper. How could he be this calm? I was being killed in front of him.

"Why would we want to help you?" The ghost his again.

My eyes were slowly closing because of the lake of oxygen.

"Tom." I managed to get out.

"Because they are my children and your grandchildren." A woman spoke from next to us.

The ghost turn around forcing me to turn around too. My vision was hazy, but I could see a woman and a man standing next to each other.

"Mom, dad." I heard Tom breath out.

Mom and dad are here? Thank god.

"Dad it would be nice of you not the strangle my daughter." I hear my mom saying.

The arms around me loosen and I could feel myself falling.

Two arm caught me before I could hit the ground.

I look up and saw Tom looking down at me before I passed out.

Haunted by Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now