Chapter 18

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I closed my eyes tightly while putting my face in Tom's neck. Those things were right in front of us. I could hear them walking and breathing heavily. There was no doubt in my mind that they would find us.

They grunt and groan at each other sniffing the air.

Please don't find us, please don't find us. I was shaking like crazy. Not only from the fear, but also still from the panic attack I had earlier. I was holding my breath trying not to make any sound.

I can't imagen how painful it would be if they attack us. Those sharp nails digging into your flesh. Ripping everything open until you bleed to dead. Having to see those awful faces, knowing that once they were just humans who got torture.

Now they don't know what they are doing.

This is their place and we invade it.

I don't know why they didn't attack us all the other times we were here or if it comes from burning almost the building down.

A loud scream made me jump, but I held back the scream that wanted to escape my mouth. That was it, they found us and are going to attack us. I was waiting for the pain, but the only thing I heard were footsteps.

Were the running away? The footstep got less loud until they were completely gone. I was too scared to make a sound. I wanted to say something, but what if they were still there.

There was a clicking sound and I open my eyes. Tom had turn on his flashlight again and was shining into the hallway. I let go of my breath that I was holding in.

"Their gone right?" I asked Tom letting go of his jacket.

"Yeah I think so." I bite my lip before getting off of his lap.

I look at the ground and saw the prints of their hands and feet. You could see perfectly that they were human, but those nails made it just wrong.

"Come on let's go." Tom said breathing out.

We began to make our way back.

I don't know how Tom got here, but I hope he knows a way out.

My body was so sore from everything that had happen to me today. From falling down a freaking hole, to digging my nails into my arm, to having that panic attack.

All I wanna do now is go home, go to be and fall asleep. Hell if I even can fall asleep. There is a good chance that I'm going to have a nightmare. I pull my sweater closer to my body because it was freezing cold down here. I hadn't notice the cold before, but that was mainly because I was running.

I look at Tom and didn't think of anything to say to him. He looked just as tiered as I was. I know he was blaming all of this on himself. If he didn't let me come to the asylum I wouldn't have falling into the hole, I wouldn't had a panic attack, but the thing is it's not his fault it's mine.

I wanted to come, I wanted to come to the asylum, because I was afraid to be home alone.

I was afraid that someone would get me.

I stop with walking when I came to the door from earlier that night. It was closed now, but I swore that I left it open.

"Ina? What are you doing?" Tom came walking back to me when he saw that I wasn't walking next to him.

"That door it, was open and I was inside that room." I didn't take my eyes from that door.

"You were inside?"

That vision.

I most have been fourteen.

"Yeah and I had a vison." I looked at him and saw that he was already looking at me.

"What vision?"

I lick my dry lips before looking back at the door.

"I think it was right before the accident because I as fourteen. Men dragged me into the room before dropping me on the ground. I was so weak and I didn't want to fight it anymore. I was done with living here and with everything that had happen. Then someone said my name and picked me up. I thought it was you, but it wasn't. It was someone else. I couldn't see his face because it was blurry. It was like my mind had blur him out or something. Then I think they dragged you in here and asked us if we were alright. The boy said yes, but that we wouldn't be okay if doctor Henderson would start his plan or something. After that doctor Henderson came and I snapped out of it. Ghost started to appear and then the Mutati came from out of the shadow. I know that I had to run, so I ran away from that room." I explain before looking back at him.

"The Mutati was here?" I nodded my head.

"Let's just go. If he was here before he can come back." Tom started to walk again and I followed.

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