Chapter 12

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I was sitting in the back seat of Tom's car. We were driving to the asylum. Tom agreed that I could come, but I had to do what he said.

The outside was so dark that I couldn't see any trees passing by. The road to the asylum is always dark. There were clouds before the moon and it looked like it was about to rain.

No matter when it's just dark.

"There isn't much left from the building, but I think the part with the office us still standing." Scott said looking at me and Tom.

"Great." I mutter between my teeth.

I saw Tom glancing at me through the rearview mirror.

I look down at my hands and start playing with them. I know that the building is almost gone, but the last time I was there I saw doctor Henderson. He almost killed me and now I'm going back.

I know that I could have stayed home, but I didn't feel save home alone. Not now at least. The rest of the ride was silent beside the music that was playing. I rested my head against the window and looked outside.

Not that I could see anything.

Slowly rain drops start hitting the window. Great it's raining.

I don't know why we didn't took the tunnel to the asylum. Tom said something about burned out or something, but I didn't listen I was too busy looking around if the Mutati  didn't found me.

"We're here." I was snapped out of my thought when I heard Tom.

He stopped the car right in front of the gate.

The halve standing building still scared me. I hoped that after the fire a lot of spirits left. Maybe there found peace and are gone. I followed Tom and Scott out the car into the cold and wet summer night.

"I guess we can us the front door now." Scott said looking to the entrance that been taped shot with some police tape.

"Yeah the kitchen is gone, so we don't have a choice." Tom said with a sigh.

We began to make our way to the burn down entrance. I bend down to go under the tape trying not to break it. It was dark inside and I was just about to asked if we had a flashlight when Tom gave me one before turning his on.

I look at Scott and saw the he had one too.

Well they are prepared. I would have forgotten them.

"Ready?" Tom asked looking at me.

I look into the dark building letting out a sigh.

"Yeah." Scott when first followed by me and then Tom.

Even after all those months it still smelled like smoke and fire. I jump when thunder roared through the sky and the building followed with lightning. Great a thunderstorm, like I wasn't already scared enough.

Tom laid a hand on my should giving me a nod asking me if I was alright.

"I'm alright." I said back with a small smile.

He gave me a small smile back before we continue with walking.

Every time lightning would light up the room I thought I could see people in the cells or I thought I heard someone laughing, but of course that was my imagination.

I hope.

Tom didn't say anything, so that mean nothing was there or he just didn't say anything to not to scare me.

"Hey guys can you like say something when you see someone or something." Scott said breaking the silence from in front of us.

Before I could answer and say that I thought I saw something Tom answered first.

"Nothing is here, keep walking."

I frown my brows, but didn't look at him or questioned him.

"Okay whatever you say." I hear Scott breathing out.

We were walking through the hall with the cells that would lead us to the Doctors office.  Nothing seemed burned here.

It was like the fire never came here. Which was weird because I thought it did. After a long and silent walk we came to the door of the office.

"Ready?" Scott said looking at me and Tom.

I looked at the door and nodded my head. If the doctor is still here, he would probably be in his office.

"Let's just get this over with. The sooner we find what we came for the sooner we can get out of here." Tom said grabbing the doorknob before opening it.

Haunted by Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now