Chapter 38

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My eyes flutter open when I hear someone saying my name. I had to blink a few time before I could see something.

"Ina you're awake."

Tom face came into my vision and I slowly nodded my head.


I look around and saw other people standing next to each other. I shot up because I had no idea who they were.

"It's okay Ina they're not going to hurt you." Tom said placing a hand on my shoulder.

That ghost chocked me and my mom called her dad. But he didn't even looked human. He was more a monster with his neck and arms.

My mom came up next to me kneeling down. "I'm sorry honey, your grandfather don't like strangers here. It's his duty to protect the family crypt."

I didn't really listen to her. All I could think of was that my mom was standing right in front of me. I really missed her.

The last time I saw her was in the asylum for a few minutes. I thought she was trapped there with dad, but I guess after it burn down again they were send free.

"I'm fine." I finally said.

She laugh before giving me a warm smile. I really missed that smile. I never really saw it much in the asylum. I mean from the memories I have from the asylum I only saw her smile once.

"Why are you here?" She looked from to Tom who was sitting behind me.

"We need your help to get Alex back." Everyone began to say something, but I couldn't hear it.

"Son that's impossible. He's gone." I turn my head to see my dad walking towards us. Tom help me stand up so that we could face him.

"No we have a way to save him, but we need your help all of you." Tom said further.

"That boy is long gone. A mutate don't have a soul left because it is consumed by darkness." Said a man dressed in really old clothes.

I shook my head.

"That's not true I spoke to him when he was normal."

Everyone gasp.

I look at Tom confuse and he just shook his head not knowing why they gasp.

"How is that even possible. When you're turned into a Mutati you don't have your human side anymore." A old lady said dressed in the same clothes as the man.

"Because my granddaughter is more powerful than we thought, but after all it's her birthday today." A lady dressed in a blue dressed came walking from the ground.

"Mother what do you mean?" My mom said.

"Melisa I told you when she was born that she was special. It's doesn't happen often that a person with our power is born on All Hallows Eve." How could she have told her? I was born in the asylum.

"Mom I didn't know what to do then you were dead and I was locked up with my husband and other kid in an asylum were the Blackhunters torture us." She was dead, so as a ghost I get it now.

"So you believe me? Are you gonna help with getting our brother back?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"Unfortunately I don't know if we can." I frown my brows.

"But why not?" Tom asked from behind me.

Our grandmother looked at him. "Because we don't know if we have enough power to help him. We have been down her for such a long time."

"But we can try. If it's a chance to save him isn't it worth it?" He asked.

She smile shaking her head. "You sure act like your father."

I look at my dad and saw him smiling at Tom.

"We have to do it tonight. He said that his Mutati side is weaker on Halloween." I said.

Our grandmother looked at the rest of my family before looking back at us. "Okay we will help, but you need to bring him to the graveyard. Not inside here, but in front of it. We need the moonlight."

I wanted to hug her, but I knew that I would just fall through her if I would try.

"Thank you."

"No go you have to find him first and if the Blackhunters knew that he would be weak they have him locked."

That only means one thing. He's in the asylum.

Haunted by Death (Under heavy editing!)Where stories live. Discover now