PART 1!!!!! New Surroundings

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Why did my mum and dad make us move? Fair enough I got in to a lot of fights and pranks but they didnt have to make us move! And never guess where too? America! God damn America! They were making us move from London, England to New Jersey, America, making me leave my two best friends behind.

Pushing my red and black dip dyed hair in to a messy bun on the top of my head I slammed my hand down on top of the blaring alarm clock. I glared at the wall as I swung my milk bottle legs over the side of the bed. That was the one problem with living in England, you never got a tan. Stepping out of bed I stalked over to my walk in wardrobe, glaring at the door while I walked. Swinging the doors open my wardrobe my eyes landed on the vile new school uniform.

The uniform reminded me about something from a boarding school. A knee length black skirt, black tight, a white blouse, black blazer and black dolly shoes. It wasnt too bad but I would be making adjustments. For example, the blouse would be tucked into the skirt, the skirt going about mid thigh.

After getting dressed I started on my hair and makeup. Minimum foundation making sure I don't look orange and 3 coats of mascra. Taking my hair out of its messy bun I let it fall in loose ringlets down my back, making sure it wasn't flicky at the ends. A few bits fell in my face mixing in with my fringe. I hope the teachers wouldnt make a huge fuss about it.

After finally getting ready I made my way downstairs, ignoring my mum and dad. After grabbing two pieces of toast I grabbed my school bag and car keys and stalked out the house towards my silver BMW.

It took me about 20minutes to get to school, it wasnt too ig, smaller than my old school anyway. Only 1000people was in this school, with a smug smile I parked my car and stepped out, my flats padding aginst the pavement as I walked.

But what shocked me the most was the reaction of the people around me, the girls took one look at me and turned their nose up at me, not bitching to their friends about me like the girls in my old school would of. No glaring happening either. But what caught my eye was a group of boys, their well defined muscles buldging out of their t-shirts, and when I stared at them one word come to mind.


Slipping in to the door next to them as quietly as I could, it but wasnt quiet enough. Just as I was about to pull the door open, a tanned hand grabbed my wrist, their long fingers wrapping themselves around my small wrist. The action made me wince and tears slipped in to my eyes. Snapping my head up to make sure I didnt cry I glared at the emerald green eyed boy. His eyes bored into mind as a playful smirk landed on him soft lips. 

"Hello cutie, new here?" he asked, his full American accet rang through the air making me shiver.

My british accent was so different to theirs, so instead of answering him I just nodded, making him smirk even more 

"Cat got your tongue babe?" okay this boy was starting to annoy me now. Pushing all thought about my accent away I spoke 

"No actually 'babe' I just don't have time to deal with douchebags like you" I sneered, my british accent srong and ringing through the air making people stop and stare.

My eyes flickered to the rest of his group. All of their mouths hanging wide open, if it was a cartoon their mouth would be on their floor. Their eyes all stood out, was they seriously expecting me to just take it? Shaking my head I brung myself back to reality 

"Close your mouths before you catch flies" I winked, ripping my wrist away from his grip before swirling around and ripping the door open. With one last glare towards the group of boys I stalked off towards reception.

After getting my timetable and finding out what tutor I was in and what my locker number and combination was I made my way towards my new tutor. It seemed news traveled fast in this school, people threw me dirty looks, their voices ringing through the air as they insulted me. Shouting things like "Freak" and "Outcast! You dont belong here!" it did hurt but I ignored it and as soon as I pushed the door to my tutor open I sighed with relief.

Scurring to the back of the classroom I plonked my bum in to the seat right in the corner just as the bell rang and students started to file in. Keeping my eyes on the table and my head down until the teacher entered the room 

"Ok guys, so we have a new student, if you would like to stand up Sian and say a few things about yourself?"

Rising up from my seat my eyes scanned the classroom settling on the teacher 

"Umm well I'm Sian, as you all probably know I'm actually from London in England, and umm I love things to do with music" I said as quick as I could and sat down. My eyes scanned the room again but stopped suddenly when they landed on a certian pair of emerald eyes. The whispers were obvious that was coming from his group but he wasn't paying attention, he was only staring at me.

A few of them caught my ears though 

"Xavier, you have to admit her accent is hot!" a brown haird boy said to the emerald eyed boy, aka Xavier 

"I dont care if her accent is hot or not Tommy! God I don't even care that shes smoking hot! Shes just a game to me" Xavier snapped glaring right at him. So I was right, player.

Turning my head towards the window I couldnt help but think of Xavier. His short cropped black spikey hair, emerald green eyes. His well defined muscles(probably six pack!). The stubble that grew around his chin making him look slightly older and sexy. But what caught my eye the most would be the fact he didnt have a perfect straight nose like you'd expect, his nose was slightly crooked, like it had been broke before. But by the height of him just sitting down you could tell he would tower over most the students, and teachers, in this crappy school. So surely no one would actually fight him?

The sound of the bell jerked me away from my thoughts. Picking up my bag I pushed the chair under the table and walked behind everyone checking my time table. Maths... seriously? Thats like the worst subject you could ever have on a morning first lesson! Especially when you're as crap at maths as I am! Like who the hells mixs the alphabet with maths?! Argh!


By the time maths had actually finished(which was a double period by the way!) I wanted to go home, all peole kept telling me was that I didnt belong in the school. That I wouldnt have any friends or I wouldnt make any. One boy even told me that I might as well leave now before everyone makes me get out. I got a sympathetic look off one girl though.

Her caramal hair hung loosely around her shoulders, she had a bright blue eyes that lit up her face. She seemed very friendly but would she really be my friend? Maybe if I tried more I'd actually make a friend or too? But yet people here seemed like they would stab you in the back the first chance they got.

I turned around to speak to her but she wasn't there.... Searching the halls around me I spotted her stood with three differemt people. Before I could process any more though a stinging pain ran through my side and along my spine, my head spinning back to reality I realised I was currently pressed against the wall, people urrying past and banging in to me, not caring that I could be hurt..

Maybe this school would be harder than I thought...

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