Lights Out

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Closing the front door behind me as Xavier waved towards me. I couldnt help but smile. I had finally managed to get in from being out with Xavier the whole day. I had brought quite a lot of new clothes to be honest.

Smiling I made my way in to the kitchen putting my bag on the table and flicking the kettle on and making myself a cup of hot chocolate. While the kettle was boiling I made a quickly ran upstairs and got changed in to a pair of short black short shorts and a pink strappy top. I'd put a cardigan on when my mum and dad got home.

Skipping back own the stairs I skipped in to the kitchen, the wind ws picking up outside and I was sure there was going to be a storm. Turning the radio up 'One Direction Live While Were Young' come on. With a huge smile I started to sing at the top of my lungs while getting the pasta down from the top of the cupboard and setting the pan with water on the stove to heat up.

Dancing around the kitchen I waited for the water to be boiling until I put the pasta in. Half way through cooking, thunder ripped through the night sky, soon followed by a flash of lightening. A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered when I was little and ending up stuck in a thunder storm.

Ignoring it for about 15 minutes worked, and by the time I had finished cooking the pasta, I wanted to cry. I know I was being a baby but I really don't care. Walking in to the frontroom, I placed my pasta on the table Iwalked in to the laundrey room and grabbed 3 blankets forom the cupboard before taking them in to the frontroom.

My eyes settled on the night sky out the window. The small flashes of lighting making me wince. As another sickening crack sounded through the night sky I lost it. The shaking started again and the beating of my heart could be felt through my whole body.

Ripping my phone out of my pocket I opened my contacts and found Xaviers number. Pressing the call button I held the phone to my ear. On the 3rd ring Xavier finally picked up

"Sian?" he said, just his voice making me smile and the thoughts of the storm fade away from my mind, pushing all thoughts of being a pussy away I explained to Xavier that I was scared.

"I'm scared, the storms I don't like them" I whispered down the phone as a load boom signalled another heart attack.

"I'll be over in ten minutes" he said before I heard the dial tone signalling he had hung up. Just as I was putting my phone back in my pocket it vibrated. Looking at the screen I had a text from my dad

Sorry darling, but me and your mum can't make it back tonight as the storm has made a tree fall down and the police aren't letting anyone around here travel on the roads! We will be back by tomorrow hopefully! I hope your okay in the storm x

With a small smile that my dad had actually thought of me in the storm I texted back

Yeh I'm fine, okay well I'll see you tomorrow then, well my friend is coming around because he knows I'm scared and he said that hes home alone anyway, love you both :) x

Okay I know the 2nd bit was a lie, but thats the only way my dad wouldnt question why he was coming over. My phone vibarted in my lap, thinking it was my dad I picked it up and opened the message straight away



I hope you're okay in the storm cutie, maybe you will get scared and ask me to come rescue you ;) x

A huge shudder ripped through my body making me pull my knees up to my chest. What did they actually want? Why me? Surely if they wanted to talk to me they could just be a normal person and talk to me normally?

Shaking my head I put my phone on the table just as the door bell rung. Standing up quickly I hurried over to the door and yanked it open. Xavier was stood there, in a pair of sweatpants and a white polo that clung to his muscles.

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