Xavier P.O.V
Her bright red hair flung around the corner of the corridor, followed by the black dolly shoes that were plastered to her feet. That girl was weird. I only wanted to walk over to her and say thankyou for last night seeming as I had climbed through her window and scared the living crap out of her but she still helped me.
That was what I called a saint.
Glaring at the group of people she was stood with a minute ago I turned back around and made my way towards Tommy and the rest of the boys.
"What the fuck happened there man?" Tyler spoke up
"Yeh, why did the hot chick run away?" Tommy questioned, a smirk playing on his lips.
Tommy had been wanting to get in Sian's pants since she had first come to the school but I didn't want any boy doing that sory of... stuff with her. Not even me. I couldnt think of anyone being with her like that. Even though I knew it wasn't because I didn't like her I put it down to that. But there was always the one question swimming around in my mind.
If I didn't like her, why did I go to her for help last night?
Shaking my head I glared at Tommy
"You are not going near her, she is my game and that is final" I sneered before walking off towards homeroom as the bell rung all the way through the school.
I had never really noticed it since now that as I walked down the corridor everyone moved out the way for me. I had never actually noticed it until Sian had come to the school. No she wasn't one of them to move out the way.
It was more like she got in the way just to piss me off. My thoughts were cut off as a slim pair of fingers wrapped itself around my lower arm making me look up at the person
"Amanda" I smirked
"Hey Xavier" she giggled, batting her eyelashes.
The girl thought she looked pretty like that, when really she looked like a retarded butterfly. But I wouldnt tell her that cuz she was good in bed and willing to give me it when ever I wanted. Yes a walking STD as some people like to call her.
But take it from someone that knows, she has none at all.
"So what you up too after school then?" she purred, running her fingers up and down my arm. When ever she said that she wanted a bit of sex. Which I didn't want to night
"Sorry I'm busy with my family. My mum wants me to do some stuff" and with that I shook my head, pulled my arm from her and walked off.
Sian P.O.V
I had actually made it to tutor without bumping in to Xavier that was. But I knew it wouldnt be long. Especially as he was in the same tutor as me.Walking in to tutor my eyes scanned around the room. Thankfully Xavier wasn't in here yet, but neither was the teacher. Letting a sigh escape my lips I went over to the back of the class and sat down.
5 minutes later Xavier and his group walked in, Xaviers eyes met mine, taking a step forward he went to walk towards me but thankfully the teacher walked in
"Xavier, sit down now" he spoke as he went to sit on his chair.
Keeping my head towards the floor a small smile rose on my lips. It soon turned to a frown though as I looked up and met with Xaviers eyes staring at me.
"Thankyou" he mouthed, a small smile on his lips.
He said thankyou.
He actually said thankyou.

New School, New Rules
Roman pour Adolescents"Hello cutie, new here?" he asked, his full American accent rang through the air making me shiver. My British accent was so different to theirs, so instead of answering him I just nodded, making him smirk even more "Cat got your tongue babe?" okay t...