I'm Back!! Oh God Now You

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So it was Monday after the 2 weeks I had spent in the motel. The final weekend Xavier had stayed there with me making sure I was okay. And well today we were both going back to school. Yes back to stalkerville. 

Haha see what I did there? ;) 

Sighing I pulled the blanket away from my body, letting it drop on to the floor around my feet as I made my way towards my bathroom. My parents wernt at home.... AGAIN. God I never see them anymore.

After finally having a relaxing shower I got dressed in to my school uniform. Adapting it yes. But right before I was about to do my makeup the sound of the frontdoor being knocked on filled the air. Wuickly making my way down the stairs with my hair tied in to a bun, I opened the door.

Stood infront of me was Xavier, his school bag hung loosely over his shoulder as he went from one foot to another.

"Hey" I laughed letting him in. 

He had said yesterday that he would drive me to school today and stay with me the whole day. Yes it was like a baby sitter but he was just looking out for me.

"Hey" he smiled before making his way in to the kitchen

"Make yourself at home! Have anything you want" I laughed before jogging up the stairs.

Laughing to myself I let my hair flow down my shoulders as I pulled the hair band out of it. Time to curl it. I thought to myself as I pulled out my GHD's from the cupboard and plugged them in.


Half an hour later and me and Xavier was pulling in to the school grounds in Xaviers car. And guess what? Every single person had stopped to stare at the car. How fun. Instead of being the normal and putting my head down, I pushed my sunglasses on to the top of my head and plastered a smirk on to my face.

Getting out the car I made my way to the front to meet Xavier, who currently had his arm out for me to take. Looping our arms together, my smirk became even wider.

"You are one hell of a little minx, you know that Sian" Xavier whispered in to my ear as he smirked at everyone looking.

Once we got to the door, where all his friends were stood, I stopped smirking and sighed. I expected Xavier to let go of my arm, but he never did. My phone vibrating in my pocket made my heart jump. With the hand that wasn't preoccipied, I dug in to my pocket and fished out my phone before unlocking it.

1 New Message


I see you cutie ;) but once again you are with HIM. WHY!? You're starting to make me angry. Sian, I will teach him and you a lesson.

Xavier must of felt me shaking because he turned towards me with an eyebrow raised, but as his eyes landed on my hand which was holding my phone, his expression hardened. And before I could do anything, Xavier had the phone and was looking at the message.

"Sian, you really need to let me sort this out" Xavier growled in my ear, but he didn't realise how much of a turn on that was, but shush, don't tell him I said that.

"Xavier, what am I meant to do?! I don't know who it is!" I growled back, but guess his friends had heard as they all turned to look at me.

"Don't know who who is?" one od Xaviers friends asked, don't bother asking me what his name was as I didn't know.

"Some kids stalking Sian and threatening her saying he will teach me and her a lesson if she doesn't get rid of me" Xavier explained before I could tell him to shut up.

His friend let out a long whistle before smirking

"Well she if super fit Xavier, so I don't blame the kid for feeling threatened, but stalking her? Seriously that is just a few steps too low" he laughed, causing all the boys in the group to laugh.

But before anyone could say anything else, the warning bell rung through the whole school. Homeroom. Yaay. Xavier walked me all the way there. Yep all the way, I think he was even worse looking after me now the message I had got this morning.


2nd lesson come. Maths, and this time I had it with Xavier. But it wasn't just a normal lesson. 1) we had a supply teacher instead of our normal teacher and 2) Xavier come to sit next to me in the empty seat instead of across the room.

So yep, I was stuck inbetween Xavier and Poppy. Both of them glaring at eachother the whole lesson. You see, Poppy hated Xavier for what he had done to me since I had been here, she didn't understand why I even hung round with him.

And to be honest. I don't know why I hang round with his myself.

Yeah sure he was helping me with the stalker issue but really? He had bullied me but yet I was sat here with him....

I was one messed up girl. For the whole lesson I just sat there watching Xavier and Poppy stare each other out, well when I say stare, I really mean glare. I didn't get any work done because of those to just glaring at each other.

Have you ever tried to do work while the two people sat next to you are glaring at each other, like just looking through you? No? Yeah well its IMPOSSIBLE to actually DO the work. So I only actually got about half a page done in the whole hour of the lesson.


And well by the time 3rd lesson come I just wanted to go home. I hadn't sin Xavier since maths but I had gone to break with Poppy and well she gave me a lesson about 20 questions , things like

Why was I talking him?

When did I forgive him?

When he start hanging around with me?

Was I seeing him after school?

Was that where I was the 2 weeks I had off of school?

So yeah I spent the whole of lunch time just explaing the whole ordeal with Xavier, and why he was suddently everywhere I went. Which included the fact of me being stalked and explaning that the day I fainted in the cabin house was because I got a message from them.

"OMG HUN! I'm so sorry!!" Poppy wrapped her arms around me just as I finished my little speech, laughing quietly I hugged her back

"Don't worry about it! But now you know why Xavier has been hanging around me lately" I smiled slightly putting my head down.

The next thing I know, Poppy is up on her feet and walking towards Xaviers table which a huge grin on her face. Jumping up I ran after her, ignoring the looks people around us were giving us. Poppy stopped next to his chair at the table and gave him a small smile.

Making me stop in my tracks and my mouth hang open.

"Xavier, I just wanted to say that I'm greatful you are looking after Sian for us, especially with this creeper around!" she laughed quietly. Xavier just sat there staring up at her, a small smile slipping on to his face as his eyes slid to me.

Not being able to stop myself I smiled back up at him

"Its fine, I just want to make sure shes okay" he smiled up at Poppy before all his friends pulled him back in to a convosation, and guess who it was about? Yep you got it.


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