I was sat on the sofa,curled in Xaviers lap as I sobbed my heart out. Xavier had been quiet ever since he had read the note. But he had cuddled me, letting me cry all over his shirt. it was how half 4 and mum and dad would be back soon.
As I stared at he door, the tears falling silently, I noticed something drip on to my arm. Looking up I noticed Xaviers eyes closed, a few stray tears falling from his eyes.
"Please don't cry" I whispered, wiping the tears away from his face.He smiled slightly before capturing my lips with his, the kiss was soft at first but soon turned to one full of heat, of passion. But as soon as we were getting in to it, the front door flew open
"Were home!" mum mum shouted, making me jump away from Xavier, a small blush making its way on to my face.My mum walked in to the frontroom and instantly her eyes met Xaviers
"Hello" he smiled at my mum
"Hello Xavier" she laughed, shaking her head and making her way towards my dad who was walking through the door.Turning towards Xavier my eyes narrowed
"How the fuck do you know my mum?!" I whisper shouted, moving towards him slightly. He only laughed and shook his head.
"I met her in the shopping centre a couple of days ago, I accidently knocked into her and we got talking. She mentioned you were her daughter" he sniggered.I could only imagine the crap my mum would of come up about me. Sighing I shook my head and turned towards the tv only just remembering it wasn't on. But before I could do anything my mum made her way back in to the frontroom.
Looking at Xavier she grinned
"Would you like to stay for dinner? As a thankyou to looking after Sain in the storm" she smiled her smile that said " if you say no, I will personally kill you"Xavier must of noticed the look as well because he smiled and nodded
"I'd love to" he laughed, as she smiled back and walked out. Xavier turned to look at me the same time I turned to look at him and just like that we both roared with laughter.I clutched my stomach as I felt myself tumbling off of the sofa on to the floor. My head falling against it, another loud fit of laughter leaving Xaviers mouth. My laughter died down though as my eyes settled on the note.
Xavier must of noticed I had stopped laughing as well as he stopped and looked at me. His eyes following towards the note.
"So Xavier, are you and Sian together?" my dad questioned as he set his fork down on the table
"Dad!" the word escaped my mouth before I could stop it but it got worse
"I'm just checking dear, I want to make sure my daughter and her boyfriend are being safe" he shook his head, his frown lines showing more and more.I swear to god he was like just born to annoy me! I know it doesn't work but I don't care. For the whole dinner my dad had just decided to annoy me and by the end of it I had just stood up and walked upstairs.
Which is where I currently was.
Lay on my bed.
In the dark.
Crying because I didn't know what to do.
What about may you ask? Well one about this stalker and two about Xavier. Oh god Xavier! I had forgot. No not that he was downstairs silly! ;) That we had kissed before my parents walked in!
Thats all that ran through my mind. I had kissed him. For god sake Sian! Keep your lips to yourself woman!
A small giggle escaped my lips but was soon cut off as I heard the door to my bedroom open and light filled my room.
"Sian?" Xaviers voice called out, just as my bedroom light was flicked on. Sighing I sat up to face Xavier who was stood next to my door.His arms crossed over his chest like he was pissed off. But I soon realised why, my eyes landed on the note that I had chucked in the bin the other day. It had been put in my locker and was basically threatening me that again if I didn't get rid of Xavier then they would.
Xavier stepped in to my bedroom and closed the door
"Did I say you could come in?" I huffed crossing my arms over my chest. Xavier just glared at me making me strink back in to my bed."Sian. Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, pure hatred in his eyes but a soft face. So he wasn't angry at me? A pillow smacking me in the head rippe me out of my thoughts and before I could stop myself I was up off the bed and across the room slamming Xavier in to the wall.
"God damn it Xavier! CANT YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO PROTECT YOU!" I screamed, my voice coming out deadly as I glared straight at him. But I didn't expect him to swap out positions and slam me on to the wall.
His lips crushed down to mine, the kiss dominating. Like he was trying to prove a point. My hands found their way to his chest and before I knew what was going on he was doubled over
"Don't you dare touch me!" I screamed again.Not caring it was currently about half 9 I grabbed my purse and coat from the table and dashed down the stairs. Past my parents who were shouting my name and out to the porch. Grabbing my car keys and shoes I quickly ran outside and jumped in the car and locking the door.
Ever tried to put vans on in a rush? Yeah its hard. Banging on the window from Xavier was putting me off as well. As soon as I had them on my feet I put the keys in the ignition and started the car. Xavier jumped away from the car as I put in reverse and sped off in to the road.
Away from the one person that cared about me.

New School, New Rules
Roman pour Adolescents"Hello cutie, new here?" he asked, his full American accent rang through the air making me shiver. My British accent was so different to theirs, so instead of answering him I just nodded, making him smirk even more "Cat got your tongue babe?" okay t...