Red marks and Bruises

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My eyes fluttered open slightly to the front door being slammed, thinking it was Xavier I closed my eys again and turned over slightly, only to hit a warm body. My eyes shot open, fully awake this time, and landed on Xavier sleeping form.

A small smile made its way on to my face as I stared at the boy next to me. But the more I woke up, the more muy throat started to burn and before I could do anything I was leant over the side of the bed, my feet pressed firmly on the side as I coughed and coughed.

My hand found its way to my throat, sheering pain shot through my body as a finger touched the delicate skin. Shakly I stood up from the bed, my hands not being able to keep still as I shoved them in to my pockets.

As soon I was in front of the mirror my eyes darted to my neck, where a rather large hand print bruise sat. My eyes welled up as I stared at my own body, Tommy had done this to me. Why would it have to be me? Yeah I know that I prefer it to be me than anymore else, okay except Amanda but seriously, why did it have to happen to anymore.

Xavier must of heard my soft sobs because he stired on the bed, sitting up

"Fuck" he groaned, holding on to his stomach. My own stomach dropped and before I could do anything, my legs were carrying me forward sot Xaviers side of the bed.

Helping him stand he sighed, his hand still on his stomach. Taking the thin material between my fingers I lifted his shirt, showing the whole of his six pack and a rather large bruise. My eyes snapped closed as my head began to turn in to slush.

"Sian I'm fine I prom-" he looked up for the first time since he had woke up "that fucking prick" he hissed, his hands settling on my shoulder as he rubbed the bruise on my neck ever so lightly. But even the lightness of his fingers hurt on my neck.

Pulling away I sighed

"I think it's best if we don't go in today" I sighed, I couldnt get my mum to ring in because it was her that had gone out this morning. I hadn't seen my dad for a coule of weeks as he had been off on a bisuness trip.

Why my mum didn't go, I'd never know. Well I would if I asked but thats not the point.

"Yeah, I agree, I'll ring my mum now and tell her to ring me in" Xavier smiled slightly and walked out the room, me following hot on his heels as I pulled out my phone from my pocket, whoops I'd slept on it. Creating a new message I sent the same one to Noah, Ant, Poppy and Lexi.

Hey guys, so I wont be in today as me and Xavier had a bit of trouble with Tommy last night, youre welcome to come over after shcool but because my mum cant call me in please say that you don't know where I am, and Xaviers here with me, hes on the phone right now with his mum telling her to ring him in sick. Love you all loads :) pop over after school if you can, and for Ant and Lexi, don't do anything stupid to Tommy, I know whats hes capable of now and I don't want it happening to you xox

Pressing send I sighed, making my way in to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. I could hear Xavier talking to his mum on the phone but because I already knew how he liked his coffee I decided to make him one.

Five minutes later me and Xavier was sat on my sofa, both of us with a coffee in our hands as we stared at the tv, last night someone had broke in to one of the down town banks and were now on the loose with 10 grand, how nice.

I wasn't the type of person to care if somethign bad had happened on the downtown area, yeh I know that was me being a bitch but thats where all the druggies lived. Yeah the band being robbed was bad, I know but to be honest, if they had better people looking out then they wouldnt have this problem.

Sighing, I turned the tv off and put the control on the table, I could tell by the look on Xaviers face that he ws in pain from his ribs.

"Xavier we should go to the hos-" I started

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