We walked in to Pizza hut 15 minutes later, all 5 of us. Me, Poppy, Noah and the two twins Anthony and Lexi. A couple of things I found out about the group was they were actually a band with Poppy as the lead singer and Lexi on drums. Noah I also found out was actually gay which made me smile.I always wanted a gay best friend.
Each and every single one of them different in one way or another. Noah with his dark brown tossled/messy hair, cheeky smile, light sexy stubble, 6 pack and big biceps. His pale pink lips straight nose and his 5 ft tall figure.
Anthony with his dark brown messy Harry Styles hair, brown eyes, straight teeth and nose, his 6ft tall well build figure hiding his well defined muscles under his shirt. You could tell he wasnt one to show off his body but god he was good looking. Unfortunatly for me I also found out that he was actally Poppys boyfriend of about a week.
Lexi was a lot like Anthony ecept the fast ger long brown hair fell down in soft waves around her shoulders and framing her face. Her bright smile making her bright green/bron eyes light up when ever she grinned. Her perfect eyebrows looking as if she had had them done properly and not done them herself. Her clothes hugging her 5 ft 6 tall figure tightly.
I was hoping all of these would be my new friends and it looked to be going that way right now. And to be honest I loved it. I was brought out of my thoughts when a hang grabbed mine pulling me towards the table. I looked up at Lexi who was grinning at me and pulling me towards a table for 5 at the back whole Poppy made her way towards the desk to order the pizza we had decided to have in the car.
When Poppy finally come back with the giant pizza, we all dug in as quickly as we could. But what put me off was the giggles that filled the shop
"Fudge" Noah cussed slightly under his breath making me turn my head towards the door where the giggles were coming from.
My eyes flicked over to the group of people in the group. A small curse escaped my lips. Xaviers eyes met mine. But I couldnt look at him, instead my eyes flickered over to his group and the girls stood with them.
But my eyes hardened when one of the girls stepped forward, putting her long slim fingers around Xaviers bicep. You couldnt miss the flirty and seductive smile that was playing at the corner of her lips as she stared up at him.
Turning my eyes back to the guys they all gave me sympathetic looks and smiles. Shrugging I spoke
"Stuff them" I giggled ripping a piece of pizza off and shoving it in to my mouth. My eyes stayed attached to the table. Not once looking over at Xaviers group.
They had been here about 20minutes, all the time staring at me. Luckily I couldnt see his face, as I had my back to him. But I knew he was staring at me, and I knew the expression on his face was a glare. How you ask? Poppy was sat opposit me and was telling me everthing he did at me behind my back.
About 5 minutes after Xaviiers group had come in tho another group had come in. All boys this time and they sat on the table right next to ours. Meaning they could lean over and speak to us, just like Luke was just about to.
"Sweetheart, the weird dude is staring at you again" he winked.
Luke had dirty blonde shaggy hair and bright blue eyes. He resembled Channing Tatum abit, well in my opinion that is. He had started talking to me after I had dropped chedder cheese on the floor from my pizza. I had also found out that he was actually 20 years old and went to the college not far from our school.
Plastering on a fake smile I turned to Luke.
"He goes to my school, as youve probably noticed I am not American and well just put it this way. They don't like me for it" I sighed
"I noticed the british accent" Luke winked and smirked before his face turned serious again "So they bully you because you aren't American?" his tone stone cold like he wanted to punch them.
With a sigh I nodded. And before I could do anything, Luke was up on his feet storming towards Xavier who was glaring at his every step. All the girls in his group squealed and jumped up, running off outside. While all the boys squared up. Lukes group stood up as well squaring infront of us, not only blocking Xaviers gaze on me but making sure that Luke had back up if anything started.
But me? I was just sat there in shock. What would he do? Was the only thing running though my mind right now. My question was soon answered though as Luke took a step towards the group
"You are pathetic" he spat, his whole body stiff "All of you! Bullying a girl just because she isn't from the same country as you? Just because she hasn't got the same accent as you? Do you know how messed up that is?!" he spat glaring at each of them in turn. Luke turned around and come walking back to the goup sitting down along with all his friends.
My eyes stayed trained to the girl that had her hand wrapped around Xaviers arm earlier. She was glaring straight at me while one of her friends whispered stuff in her ear making her smirk. But the next thing I knew someone had gripped my wrist and pulled me forward with such a force it made me cry out in pain.
My eyes snapped up Xaviers cold emerald green eyes,
"Let go of me" I snarled, my tone of voice scaring even myself. My eyes snapped down to his hand gripping my wrist, it only made my anger reach sky high. The next thing I knew my first had clenched and it was flying straight up towards Xaviers nose, Landing a heavy blow right where I wanted it to.
A Loud crack sounded through the space which caused Xavier to drop my wrist like a hot potato and send his handsflying to his nose. You could see the blood drip through his fingers only making me smirk more
"Next time I sa 'let go of me' I advise you to fucking let go" I snarled before stalking off as Xaviers friends all gathered around him. Luke grabbed my hand though and pulled me out the shop.
"You got a nasty right hook sweetheart" Luke smirked, his tone full of amusment.
"Did you see all the blood?! I think you broke his nose!" Lexi sqealed wrapping her arm around me while the whole two group roared with laughter. Everyone started to join in, but I couldnt. I felt guilty. But he deserved it right?
Shaking my head to wipe away all the thought I faked a smile. We had brought my car here so as we all walked towards it Luke spoke.
"How about on friday we all hang out?" he asked
"I wouldnt mind" lexi said, all of us nodding in agreement with her. Maybe it will be fun to get out? We all swapped phone numbers before getting in the cars.
Lexi, Noah, Poppy, Ant and me all got in to my car, the smell of left over Pizza filling the car. It only took me about half an hour ro drop everyone off, it turned out I only lived about 10minutes from each of them. Soon I was pulling in to my driveway. The sight of my new home making my stomach churn.
When I actually go in to the house it was 9pm. Going upstairs as quietly as I could I changed into my PJ's, brushed my teeth and got in to bed. Surely tomorrow wont be as bad? I thought to myself. God what am I saying?! I punched the bad boy of school! I soon drifted off to sleep. Different ideas of how bad school would be tomorrow swimming through my mind

New School, New Rules
Novela Juvenil"Hello cutie, new here?" he asked, his full American accent rang through the air making me shiver. My British accent was so different to theirs, so instead of answering him I just nodded, making him smirk even more "Cat got your tongue babe?" okay t...