Kidnapped Or Catnapped?

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Tommy stood infront of the bars, a smirk planted on his face as his hand leaned on to the wall and flicked the lights on. The whole room flooding with light making my eyes hurt. Atleast we could see properly now.

The arrogant prick stood there, acting like he had the power to do anything. Okay maybe he did at the moment but he wouldnt for long.

Oh shut up Sian, you know you arent going to get out of this alive my mind giggled.

Okay either I was going crazy or I was going crazy. My eyes flickered to Xavier who was stood there, his beaten up face scowling at Tommy. Xavier looked like he wanted to kill Tommy. Which fair enough I would as well if I was him.

“Just let Xavier go Tommy, he hasn-” I started but Xavier cut me off

“No if you stay I stay” Xavier growled, a menacing look in his eye as he eyed me up and down.

“Okay then better yet, let us both go” I joked, knowing Tommy wouldnt let that happen.

Tommy smirked

“Okay how about this, I let Sian go but I get to shoot Xavier in his pretty little head” Tommy smirked, my gut instantly dropped

“NO!” I screamed.

And before I knew it I was stood infront of Xavier, tall and proud. What the fuck Sian!? What are you doing!? If Xavier was going down, I was going down with him. This was my shit not his. If I hadn't moved here in the first place none of this would of happened.

Tommy laughed, the tone more threatening than anything

“See what type of girl you've got Xavier, the stupid little slut would take a bullet for you” the look he gave me was most like he wanted to test that theory.

Which he probably would my mind whispered causing a shiver to run down my spin.

I hadn't realised I'd spaced out until I realised that Xavier had moved around me and was currently being held against the wall by Tommy who had the knife to his throat. Okay when had he unlocked the cell and grabbed Xavier.

“Tommy no please stop!” I cried, my eyes as wide as saucers as I stared at the two boys. Tommy slammed Xaviers head against the wall making a scream escape my lips. Xaviers body slid down the wall, collapsing on to the floor in a huddle.

He wasn't dead! Right?

I felt Tommys hand wrap around my hair pulling out the hair band, my hair cascading down my back in cute little loose curls. But before I could do anything else, Tommys fingers gripped my hair in an iron grip and stepped forwards.

His eyes holding a look that told me not to mess with that, was that really what I was doing though? Messing with him? Oh for god sake, thats all I've ever done since I've got here. Mess with him. That day when I sat down on Xaviers table.

The day when I punched Xavier in the face at pizza hut. That day when me and Xavi- Everything revolved round Xavier didn't it? He didn't like the fact Xavier was getting all the attention, when he didn't get any.

“ANSWER ME!!” Tommys voice ratted the cages as he gripped my hair tighter making me scream. My eyes darted to Xavier who was still on the floor in a heap. Wake u- Oh shit what had Tommy said?

My eyes looked up, tears filling them from the pain raking through my head from my hair being pulled

“Tommy please, just let go of my hair” I whispered. But I didn't expect him to actually let go. And I especially didn't expect him to kick me in the stomach as soon as I hit the floor.

A groan escaped my lips as I tried to roll over but was only stopped by a foot being pressed on to my upper chest, the pressure causing me to cough slightly.

“Answer me you little slut” he snapped.

The pressure on my chest decreasing a bit

“What did you say?” I whispered, my voice only just audible, surprised he even heard me

“Why don't you like me? Why do you like Xavier and not me?!” he snapped again.

This time the weight from his foot was gone complete- Hold up! He thought I liked Xavier?!

“You think I like Xavier?!” the laughter that followed out of my mouth just couldnt be helped. Trying to sit up, the wind was knocked out of me again when Tommy kicked me in the ribs.

Pain gushed down the whole of the right side of my body causing a small whimper to escape my lips. Tommy crouched down next to me, his thumb and finger finding their way around my chin as he lifted my head up to look at him.

I could see the anger in his eyes but the soft expression on his face begged to differ. I knew he could be sweet but I knew inside him was a hideous monster.

“Fuck off” I spat, my hands scrambling to get away from Tommy.

But my plans failed, the knife dropped to the floor near my head while his foot come stomping down on my hand. A blood curdling scream fired from my lungs as I felt atleats half of y hand crunch.

But Tommy didn't stop there. His foot stayed planted on my hand while his other kicked me in the ribs. Clamping my mouth shut, I could feel the tears start to form in my eyes clouding my vision. Was this what I was going to die of? Being brutally beaten to death.

Sian, don't think so negative my mind snapped.

Oh shut up, you try going through this and not thinking youre going to die I snapped back

Oh shut up you melodramatic child, theres a way you can get out of this! Just think!

Just like my mind said, I tried to think how to get out of this. What possible way is there that would let me out of this stupid situation?! Agonising pain flowing through my whole body made me scream.

Thats when I looked up at Tommy and down to my body. He had kicked me as hard as he could! But I tried not to cry as he walked towards Xavier, who was finally coming around. Trying to stand up I could feel the tears more.

My whole body was in pain, a burning sensation captivating me and stopping me from standing up. I watched as Tommy drew out his knife, taking a step towards Xavier who was crouched on the floor.

Just like Tommy had done with me, his kicked Xavier in the chest sending him sprawling on to the floor, Tommy smirked and crouched down next to Xavier, running the knife along his throat.

My whole body stopped as a choked sob escaped my throat. Tommy stood up, gripping Xaviers t-shirt and lifting him up against the wall. Pressing the top of the knife in to Xaviers stomach. My eyes grew wide as I stared at Tommy.

Ignoring he pain that took over my whole body I raced up and ran towards Tommy, just as he turned around with the knife. My hands met his shoulder, meaning the knife plunged in to the bottom of my stomach.

Tommy swore and yanked the knife out making me scream. Blood oozing out from my stomach made me dizzy and soon all I heard was the sounds of a freaking out Tommy, a shouting Xavier and ringing in my ears.

The sound of a gunshot sounded through the basement making my heart stop. Was that Tommy or Xavier? Please tell me it was Tommy. My hearing started to decrease while my vision become blury.

I could heard the slight talking of someone but I couldnt make out what they were saying or who it was. Black dots filled my vision as a few stray tears fell down my cheeks. The sleepiness taking over and dragging my body under.

“I love you Xavier” I whispered my body shutting down, my breathing slowing, my hands failing to move and finally my eyes dropping altogether, closing the world off from my sights.

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