Stalker?! OMG! Help Me!

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It had been about 3 days since I had had the text from the unknown number, meaning it was saturday. I had never actually found out who the text was from and thats what made it even more creepier. The thursday when I had gone in, Xavier was acting weird but he waa weird all around so that wasn't really anything different.

Ant was acting weird as well. And so was Poppy. I didn't understand why but when I had asked them they just smiled and said nothing was wrong. A loud knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts. "Come in" I called, sitting up in the bed.

My mum would in with Lexi and Luke bouncing behind her. Grimcing I pulled the sheets over me

"Get up" Luke ordered, Lexi glared at the side of her head before turning towards me and smiling

"Pleasee Siannn geeeeet upp" she begged, dropping to her knees. I couldnt help but laugh. Shaking my head I giggled

"Okay give me 10 minutes to get ready" I laughed.

They both walked out, followed by my mum. Quickly standin up from my bed I made my way to the bathroom to have a quick shower before getting ready.


I had managed to get ready in 20 minutes, which meant no makeup and my hair in a bun.... Not a good look. Smiling to myself I bounced down the stairs towards the frontroom. Lexi bounced up from the dofa wrapping me in a hug before Luke stood up and smiled at my mum

"It wasnice meeting you Luke" she smiled.

Luke grinned back

"It was nice meeting you to stacey! Byee!" he called as him and Lexi pushed me out of the house towards the car.

"Where the hell are we going?" I questioned, jumping in to the back seat of Lukes car.

They both just turned round and looked at me, smirked and then turned back round. Okay weird much? Sighing I looked out the window as Luke started the car and started to drive out of town. They wernt driving anywhere to kill me were they!?

I'm too young to diee!

"You aren't going to die Sian so just shush" Luke smirked looking at me through the rear view mirror

"Whoops I said that out loud" I giggled.


45 minutes later and we had arrived outside some sort of forest. The images of Luke and Lexi killing me playing through my mind making me shiver

"I thought you said you wasn't going to kill me?" I whispered.

"Yeh well we lied" Lexi grinned menacingly. A shiver ripped through my body again, making me shake from head to toe

"Please I'm to young to die" I pleaded, tears welling at the side of my eyes, I didn't want to die!

Looking back at Luke, he was staring out of the window, a look of sympathy on his face. Were they really going to kill me?

"Luke get her" Lexi sneered from the front of the car. I went to grab the door handle but it had already been opened by Luke.

"Come on Sian" Luke gripped my wrist pulling me through the broken down forest.

"Guys please! I don't want to die!" I sobbed, the tears falling down the side of my face. I didn't get to say goodbye to my mum, my dad, Ant, Poppy. OMG! Were they in on it too?!

"I didnt even get to say goodbye to Xavier" I whispered to myself as they dragged me along by my wrist.

"Sian get up and stop sobbing!" Lexi ordered, a smirk on the side of her face. Looking my eyes met an old looking cabin, one youd expect to find in a horror movie.

Another shiver ripped through my body as I stared at the old looking cabin. Luke pulled me up to it while Lexi pushed open the door. The room was just flooded with darkness. Until now I hadn't noticed the windows were actually boarded up.

Crying harder I gripped on to my arm as Luke pulled me through the house in to a room at the back. Lexi flicked the lights on while Luke let go of my hand. Someone jumped out from the side of the wall where I couldnt see them and screamed.

Resulting in me screaming and crying harder. The flash of a camera went off making my eyes snap to Poppy stood in the corner, doubled over and laughing, along with everyone else. Turning to Luke and Lexi I was gob smacked

"You wernt going to kill me were you?" I whispered.

This only made them laugh even harder.

"No of course we wernt going to kill you!" Luke roared with laughter again, making me glare at him. Huffing I walked over to the corner sofa placed in the side of the room.

Crossing my arms over my chest I ignored all the guys laughter. 5 minutes later they had finally managed to calm down and look at me straight without laughing. Luke stepped forward holding his arms out for me

"Come on Sian, come give your big brother a hug" he joked.

No were not actually brother and sister as you know, he just likes to think of me as one so he can threaten people for me. WIth a huge smile on my face I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his chest and hugged him as tight as I could.

My phone vibated in my pocket bringing me out of my love fest with Luke. As soon as he put me down, my hand reached in to my pocket and pulled out my phone.

1 New Message


I hope too see you Monday cutie, cant wait! Shame you can't work out who I am ;) x

My heart started to beat 100 miles an hour while I stared at the message on my screen. It had been the first one I had in a couple of days. Why now? Staring around the room I noticed everyone talking to eachother. So it wasn't anyone here?

Who the hell could it be.

My head started to spin, black dots appearing all over my vision as the room moved around like I was spinning. The floor started to come closer and soon my head was hitting something hard. The last thing I heard before the blackness taking over me was the shout of Lukes voice calling my name.

Luke P.O.V

Sian's small body suddle buckled under her feet as she landed on the floor in a heap

"Sian!" I called before she hit the floor. The phone she had in her landing on the floor screen up, thr brightness drawing me in. I could see words ont he screen just not make out what they actually were.

While everyone else rushed to Sian I picked up her phone, my eyes setting on the message from unknown number.

I hope too see you Monday cutie, cant wait! Shame you cant work out who I am ;) x

Who the hell was this person? And why the hell were they texting Sian off an unknown number. My hand gripped the phone tightly as I made my way to Sian, who was currently lay in Noahs arms as he made his way through the cabin to put her in the bedroom.

Sitting down on the sofa I stared at the phone trying to work out what the hell was going on. Lexi coem to sit next to me, her face full of worry

"She'll be okay" I promise, a smile on my face.

She smiled back before her eyes floated to the phone lay in my hand

"Whats that?" she questioned looking at the phone. Shaking my head I passed the phone to her so she could read it. Her eyes scanned the phone as her face started to pale

"Who the fuck is this?!" she asked wide eyed.

My head hung low and my hand landed in my lap. Sian was like my little sister and I didn't even know about this! Sighing I stood up from the chair and made my way in to the spare room to lie down. What the hell happened today?

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