It was the end of the week. Finally. School had litceraly just finished, climbing in to my car to quickly get home to change before meeting up with Luke, his gang and my gang, my mind played back to what had happened at school. Today had just got to be the worst day for me. This morning I woke up late so I didn't actually get in to school until about half 10. The bullying had got worse since I had punched Xavier. It was true I had broke his nose. And well now I just couldnt put up with it no more.
A tear rolled down my cheek as the events rolled through my mind reminding me of everything that had happened today.
"Get out the way FREAK" Xavier spat, slamming his shoulder in to my arm sending me and my books sprawled all out over the floor. Laughter filled the halls as people stopped to stare at me, Xavier smirked and lent down next to me
"Next time you punch me think of what you have gotten yourself in to" his tone snappy and cruel, no emotion in to apart from hatred.
"Fudge off" I spat pushing myself up from the floor and brushing my trousers off.
Xavier grabbed the collar of my top and pushed me against the wall getting in my face, the top of my back hitting the wall with such a force I was sure there would be a bruise there tomorrow. Xavier had me pinned aganst the wall by my shoulder, his grip tightening whenever I tried to move
"Youre nothing but a little girl. A freak. You're not one of us so get the hell out of our school you cretting" he spat slamming me against the wall again before letting me drop.
A Few stray tears fell down my cheeks as the bell went for the end of the day. People stared at me until they disappeared completely from sight. How long would this go on for? Was all that rang through my mind as I stood up, picking up my books and hurried towards my car.
End of Flashback
Ignoring the sinking feeling in the bottom of my stomach, I pressed my foot on the gas pedal and made my way towards my house to get ready before going out. We was meeting everyone in the park at the centre of town before heading back to Lukes apartment. Creepy? To you maybe but not to me, the whole of this week we had all been texting one another, to be honest Luke was the one thing keeping me from just asking mum to move again. All I could say was, I cant wait till we all meet up.
Pulling up in to the car park for the town centre I looked down at my outfit, dark beige chinos, white crop top, my tucked in Guns 'n' Roses t-shirt, a long dark beige cardi and my ugg boots. Smoothing down my top I got out my car, my car keys being slipped in to my pocket while my uggs gently padded along the floor.
We were all meeting in the park about 10 minutes walk from the car park. It wouldnt take me long to walk as I was used walking a lot of places. It wasnt too hot but it also wasnt too cold, so the light drifting of the wind blowing my cardi was comforting.
As the park come in to view my eyes scanned around me. Everywhere my eyes focused on there must of been atleast 3 little kids, all grining their toothy grin. The sight made me smile but I soon started to grin as my eyes settled on Lexi on one of Lukes friend's back. She looked like she was having fun.
"Hey sweetheart!" Luke's voice rang through the air making me smile even more. Running over to him I wrapped my arms around him giggling as he lifted me up and spun me around. Me and Luke had been getting a lot closer these past few days, he knew things about me no one else did.
My eyes snapped to one of Lukes friends,Jake, his hands gripping on to his phone like it was just about to break
"Oh, por el amor de dios" (oh, for god sake)he spoke to his phone, everyone turned towards him while I smirked

New School, New Rules
Roman pour Adolescents"Hello cutie, new here?" he asked, his full American accent rang through the air making me shiver. My British accent was so different to theirs, so instead of answering him I just nodded, making him smirk even more "Cat got your tongue babe?" okay t...