My eyes snapped open, looking straight towards the alarm clock, that hadn't gone off!!! Half 9! Oh fuck I was late! by an hour!!! Jumping out of bed, I scrambled to my feet, yes I fell over, I'm in a rush don't judge.
No way did I have time for a shower, swining the door to my wardrobe open I scrambled to find my vile school uniform. 10 minutes later, I was rushing downstairs, phone in my hand dressed with makeup done, hair just chucked in to a messy bun. Picking up an apple I rushed out the door, hopefully I'd get to school in time.
10.15! I made it too school in about half an hour! Thats really good! Bursting through the classroom doors to my maths room, yes mid maths lesson, I was out of breath. A blush rose on to my cheeks as everyone turned to look at me.
"You finally decided to join us then?" my teacher glared at me and pointed towards my seat inbetween Xavier and Poppy. Sitting down Poppy tried to keep her laughter in while Xavier was smirking
"Eventful ni-" Xavier began to say but I cut him off
"Oh shut the fuck up" I know snapping at Xavier was tight but I blamed him for what happened yesterday.But you was the one that kissed him? my mind argued
yes I know that but I was caught in the moment! I snapped back
Still your fau-
Oh shut it mind!
Okay I was offically going mad. Poppy poked my leg making me jump, a small squeal coming out of my mouth
"Are you a pig now Sian?" Xavier laughed, causing our teacher to turn around and glare at him. I seriously wanted to just punch this kid now. Turning towards poppy I smiled
"Yeh?"She shook her head before leaning in
"Whats up with you and Xavier?" she whispered,
"Well put it this way, we went to the mall yesterday, we kissed, I ran off, bumped in to his brother, pushed him over, bumped in to Tommy, he walked me home, spent the rest of the night with Luke" I whispered back.Poppy looked at me wide eyed, mouth open making me giggle
"1) what the fuck did you kiss Xavier for?! I didnt know Xavier had a brother!? Why did you walk home with Tommy?!" she rushed to get her words out making it harder for me to understand but I think I got them right."I was caught in the moment, cut me some slack!" I giggled before carrying on "Neither did I until saturday and he sin me and just started walking with me I guess" I tried to reason with Popp, the way she was acting about Tommy, what was wrong with him? He seemed nice to me
"Sian please, just promise you will stay away from Tommy?" Poppy whispered, using the puppy dog face on me. Sighing I nodded just as the bell rung through all the hallways, everyone jumped from their seats, packing all their things up before rushing out.
"But you owe me an explination" I called as she rushed out of the class to head to Science.Skipping out the class, and away from Xavier who was trying to come after me but was failing as Amanda stepped infront of him. Can you remember Amanda? The clingy slut that is in love with the whole of Xaviers group.
A small giggle escaped my lips as I rounded the corner towards science, slamming in to someones body made me cut of mid giggle. My bum landing on the floor with an thump,
"Shit sorry Sian!" Ant laughed putting his hand out for me to take.He pulled me up in to a hug
"Its been ages since Ive spoke to you properly hun!" he laughed, shaking his head as he pulled away. It really had been ages, I spent so much time around Xavier now. It was stupid.
"I know, I'm sorry I've just been so busy with everything, I promise I'll come sit with you guys at lunch? And we can hang out outside of school sometime this week if you want?" I giggled, making Ant smile, and let me tell you, the smile Ant gave me was one creepy smile.

New School, New Rules
Dla nastolatków"Hello cutie, new here?" he asked, his full American accent rang through the air making me shiver. My British accent was so different to theirs, so instead of answering him I just nodded, making him smirk even more "Cat got your tongue babe?" okay t...