You Have a Brother...... And a Sister?!

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Pulling up to Xaviers house, I couldnt help but stare. It was the only house within a mile radius, no wonder he had so many parties!, but it was huge, and not just big 3 story house huge, I mean freaking mansion huge! With its own buzzer gates! and metal fencing folliwng the house the whole way around.

Xavier pushed a button on the panel of the gate before speaking

"Its me" he said before the gate started to open and he drove in. I just sat in the car, gawping up at the beautiful creation they call a house infront of my eyes. I couldnt stop my eyes from darting from one window to another.

The house looked fairly new, the cream white windows bringing out the baige look of the stone. Two big marble pillars stood proudly at the front of the house. My eyes gazed towards one of the windows at the front, a white marble balcony wrapped itself around the window.

A small gasp escaped my lips as my eyes focused on the young male stood in the window. His shagging brown hair falling in to his eyes as he stared down at the car. He seemed to be glaring down at us, could he see us?

From what I could see, he looked about 20, his brown hair falling down over his eyes as he stared down at us, his plump pale lips pressed in to a thin line while he arms were corssed over his chest. His biceps bulging out from the thin white wifebeater he was wearing. I could see from where I was sat that this boy was just as well built as the current boy sat next to me. And dare I say it, he was even better looking than Xavier.

A tapping on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts. Turning towards Xavier who was currently getting out the car, but stuck his head back in

"Come on you, its only my brother and sister home, so you can wait in the house while I go get dressed" he smiled down at me as I got out the car silently following him up the steps towards his house.

My thoughts flickered back to the boy in the window, so that had to be Xaviers brother? No wonder he was fit, and to be honest, no wonder he looked like he had a six or eight pack, oh my god, just imagine if he had an eight pack, it would be the first one I had seen!!

The sound of the front door being opened snapped me back to my thoughts. I gasped, the inside was just as beautiful as the outside. The whole of the first room was a mix between the living room and the front entrance, you know when you walk in to a normal mansion and it has marble flooring? Yeah well thats what this was like.

"If you just go sit on one of those cream sofa's I'm going to have a quick shower before changing" he smiled before dashing up the stairs on the other side of the huge room. Walking over to the cream sofa, I plonked my bum down.

Pulling my headphones and ipod out of my pocket, I slipped them in, instantly pressing play on Sleeping With Sirens' new Album Feel. 'Alone' instantly flooded through my headphones and befre I could stop myself, my head was bobbing to the beat of the music.

The smell of cooking wofted through the air, soon followed by footsteps coming down the stairs, causing my eyes flickered to the stair case.




My heart stopped as I stared at the boy who had been standing in the window, but this time it wasn't from a far, he was stood at the bottom of the stairs, glaring right at me. Wait? Wtf? Choosing to ignore, the very good looking boy I turned around and sat watching the door which I think lead to the kitchen?

Well I think it was, it smelt of food anyway.

"Oi!" a voice shouted, seeming as the boy was the only one down here, I take it was him that shouted, but already knowing who it was directed at, I decided to ignore him.I wasn't a servent.

For about 5 minutes he must of been stood at the bottom of the staircase just shouting oi at me, and everytime I would ignore it

"Bitch sat on my sofa! Who the fuck do you think you are?!" he spat, this time my head spun around until I was facing him.

He stood there, a proud smirk settled on his lips. Oh god, you could tell this boy was something to do with Xavier

"Oh you decided to look then?" he smirked again, his eyes raking up and down my body as I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Yeah I did, sorry I didn't turn around, I was too budy thinking about your amazing looks" I smiled sweetly up at him.

Stepping towards him, I looked down at the floor, looking up at him through my eyelashes

"I really am good looking aren't I?" he smirked, his tone of voice laced with cockyness. Nodding my head, I placed my finger on his chest, trailing it up his top until it reached his chin.

His eyes locked on mine, while he bit his lip. I just wanted to laugh at this whole situation, for one, he actually thinks I'm interested in him? and two, if I wanted someone, I'd do for Xvaier, I could actualy pt up with him.

I leant in slightly, close enough so I was close to his ear

"I wouldn't mess with me if I was you" I whispered, just as foot steps come down the stairs, going to step away, the boy grabbed my wrist

"I'll play games with whoever I want to play them with" he groweled, a smirk appearing on his face as he slim fingers latched themselves around my wrist.

Before I could speak, I was cut off, not by one voice but by two

"Kyle, leave her alone" a female voice spoke just befor another voice

"I wouldnt play games with her if I was you" Xaviers voice rang through the air, yanking my hand out of Kyle's grip I walked over to Xavier.

"Xavier you know for a fact, I will play games with who I want to" Kyle spat, glaring right at Xavier.

"Kyle, don't be such a jackass" the girl spoke again.

"Oh shut it Kelly" Kyle spat at her, his eyes glaring straight through her.

Kelly had curly brown hair that framed her face as it fell down her neck in loose ringlets, the brown at the top of her head fading in to a light blonde half way down her hair all the way to the tips. Her light eyes shining as she stared at me. She looked at 16 maybe 17 I wasn't sure. I hadn't been listening to what ws being said but what Xavier said pulled me out of my thoughts.

"She has a aggressive right hook" Xavier spat back, putting his arm around me as if to protect me.

"And I ive a fuck why? I could take her" his eyes directed at me, while a smirk found its way on to his face, pulling my arm from Xavier I walked towards Kyle.

He stood there, not even moving a muscle as I stepped towards him, each time my smirk growing more and more. I was stood half an arms length away from him, raising my hand I ran it through my hair before bringing it back and slapping him straight on his right cheek.

His whole face flicked to the side and back again. The look he gave me was deadly, as he retracted his face from the side, his eyes were filled with anger, his hands clenched at his side while he glared down at me. But I wasn't prepared to give up

"Don't you fucking dare treat me as if I am just another girl that will open her legs for you, because you have another thing fucking coming" I spat.

Kyles eyes hardened more, if thats even possible, on me but before anything else could be said Xavier grabbed my hand

"Come on time to go shopping you" he chuckeled before grabbing hold of my hand and dragging me out the door. Kelly was waving from where she stood, but just as I lifted my hand, the front door shut in my face.

Just before the door was slammed in my face though, I got a look at Kyle, he was storming up the stairs, his hands clenched and his posture regid, his turned round and glared at me with pure hatred that made my whole body quiver.

For fuck sake. If looks could kill

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